"I'm glad you noticed it,"

He rolls his eyes and walks to the door, okay it's really nice he called my mum just to check on me when we are back and I am not alone. That's really sweet.

"Explain me," I speak.

He turns around and furrows an eyebrow.

"Why did I see that last night?"

He returns to my chair, I know he is about to cry because I can see his eyeballs shining.

"She told me she fell in love with me and-,"

Louis shuts the door open.

"Kaylee fell!" He screams scared.

I jump off the chair and run to the pool; Johannah, Niall, Zayn, Liam and Dan are surrounding Kaylee that is on the floor crying.

"Oh shit," Harry whispers and runs there to help.

I am behind them covering my mouth, her spine is recovering and I'm just so scared because she fell and she's walking again... I don't want her to remain on a chair forever. Louis is beside me; Niall, Harry and Dan pick her up. Her eyes are closed while they walk her to her bedroom, they lay her down on the mattress and she frowns so it means she's conscious.

"I'll call your doctor," Johannah caresses her head.

"Don't please," she cries, "I want to go back to London, I'm sick of being here because I can't even hang out and I miss everything and everyone."

"But it is important to call your doctor to check on your spine,"

"If you do I swear I'll kill myself!" She screams.

I'm already crying and trembling, I hate seeing her this way. She's my sister and just the pain she feels I feel it too, Dan wraps his arm around my shoulder and rubs my arm.

"Don't cry princess, if you do it will be worse for her. I know it's hard but please try to be strong," he whispers in my ear.

I have never ever had a conversation with him, he's so nice and just the way he called me princess calms me down.

I smile at him and he wipes my last tear. "Good job."

"Kay please calm down," Johannah continues talking to her, "can I check you out? I won't call anyone, I swear."

"I want everyone out!" She screams.

"Let me check your spine please," Johannah begs her.

"Just you can stay then," she calms down a little.

We all run outside, her threaten to kill herself shocked me. I can't believe she's even thinking about it and I cry harder because I don't want to lose her.

I walk to my bedroom and call Jacob.

"Hey," he speaks really low.

"I'm Linda,"

"Lin!" He screams.

"Wow you remember about me," I roll my eyes. "We were supposed to be the best three best friends we could. Remember when we promised we would always be for each other? You promised bullshit! If you didn't know Kaylee has a broken spine and is suffering a lot and I am here in Los Angeles with her but I actually didn't come for her.

"I came because of me! A friend told me to come here so I could free my mind from everything and I just thought in coming here because she has a house and I can rest here from my life involved by my ex. I'm just as selfish as you, Kaylee doesn't deserve any of us Jacob but you know what? At least I remember her when I think about taking a rest you don't even remember she exists and-,"

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