Chapter 2

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Hera's POV

I walked into the Ghost the girl was sleeping in my arms, only to get a glare from Zeb in return.

"Whats with the look?" I asked Zeb, Kanan glared at him, and Zeb gulped.

"Yeah, Zeb," Kanan started, "why are you giving her that look?" Kanan asked Sternly, obviously not playing around. Kanan was never a person to do that, but never the less, he always tries to make me happy, even if that means bringing a little girl into the ship, that could be an imperial.

"Nothing.." Zeb said, lying to Kanan and turned around walking away, chopper kicked Zeb in the leg, with his droid leg. Chopper is my droid, in some ways my family, everyone on the ghost crew feels like family, and this little girl might be the next rebel on the crew. It took a few hours for her to finally wake up, Kanan agreed to let her use his bunk to let her sleep a little bit, while I did some work, chopper was annoying Ezra and Zeb, Sabine worked on some art, while Kanan was right next to me, and we where doing some Rebel work, it's always good to get stuff like that done. Of course, we didn't want to be too loud, because we didn't know how sensitive this girl was to noise. As I was listening to a transmission, I started having second thoughts, about taking this girl in.. what If she was imperial... I thought to myself, Kanan is a Jedi, so he could likely read the expression on my face, I felt a cold hand on my shoulder, and I knew exactly who's it was, I put my hand onto his, and we continued listening to the transmission. We where asking friends, researching, trying to figure out anything we can about this child. But suddenly our brainstorm was interrupted by Sabine.

"The girl can draw!" She exclaimed,  "And she can do it very well!!" She continued,

"And what does this have to do with us?" Kanan asked, the girl walked in.

"Hello..." she said, she seemed a bit nervous of us,

"Hello." I Said with a smile, "Me and Kanan, here, have been researching, trying to find out some stuff about you. We were wondering if maybe you recognized the name, Olivia by any chance?" After I had said that, the girl went a bit pale, and started nodding,

"Yes.. I do recognize that..." she said, she looked down at the floor, still pale.

"Is that your name or someone you know?"

"It's my name..." she said slowly and softly. 

"Do you remember anything else? Siblings, maybe parents? Close friends we could go to for help?" I asked her,

"One sibling..." she said, with uncertainty, "But he's gone..." tears started forming in the child's eyes.

"What happened?" Sabine asked her,

"It's all my fault... I should have chosen his side, but instead, I decided to chose the apposing side. I'm a traitor.." she said, this time she started to cry a bit,

"You seem like a really nice person." Sabine started,

"Not a traitor." I finished. Kanan looked at her, she was still crying a bit.

"... how about you get some rest? Maybe try to think of more things?" Kanan added,

"Okay..." she started to head to the bunks.

"Kanan, would it be okay if we redid your bunk, maybe make it her's?" I asked him,

"That's fine." He said with a smile, then walked over to Ezra.

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