"You're gonna be an uncle." 

The sentence made jimin's brain stop processing for a good few Minutes and taehyung comprehend that his soulmate is little slow at catching things so he grabbed his hand and put his small palm flat upon his slightly swollen tummy. His abs have now a softened bit. 

"What?!" The reaction came as soon as taehyung grinned holding the blonde's tiny palm in place.

"Y-you are pregnant?" 

Taehyung cheerfully nodded at the question reflecting his prettiest boxy smile.

"Taehyung, have you gone nuts?!" Ravenette's smile slowly disappeared as he sighed letting go of Jimin's hand.

"Do you even know what will happen to you if someone finds out? No! what if your father finds out! How can you be so careless and let this happen? I told you to be careful and take your pills-" 

"I don't want to!" Raven-haired yelled cutting his soulmate's words before he can finish.

"So you mean... you wanted this to happen?" 

"Yes. I've been ignoring my feelings and desires since I became an adult. I have always concealed my yearnings because of my father ... Just because he saw me as a disgrace to be born differently. I ignored my nature because of him, Jimin. But I can't anymore. I also deserve happiness and this... This baby will bring me happiness, chim. My baby. I've always wanted to have a family but I never got one so I'll make one. A happy family with me, kook and our baby bun." Taehyung talked while caressing his tummy with a soft smile and loving gaze.

Jimin saw his friend's genuine smile after a long. He felt pleased seeing his soulmate happy. He also wanted taehyung to have all the happiness in the world because he deserves it but this is not as easy as it sounds.

They're not normal people. Their world works different. Here having family or lovers means weakness. People use them against you and it never ends up good. 

Jimin has seen it. Taehyung has been there too but right now, it'll not matter because the deed has been done. Now the only thing they can do is hide it perfectly until any solution come up.

"You'll get your happiness tae. But this is too risky. If your father finds out then he won't hesitate to hurt you so please make sure no one finds out about this. Did you tell kook?" 

"No, I'll tell him today. I'm sure he'll be jumping in joy." Ravenette said but Jimin wasn't sure about it. He doesn't know how jungkook will react but he sure knows one thing if jungkook refused to accept his soulmate and this baby then he'll be the first one to insert a bullet into jungkook's coconut head. 

He smiled hugging taehyung and congratulating him properly. Jimin told others to clean up the mess as both besties went on shopping for an upcoming newborn.

Taehyung have been Puking and feeling dizzy since the week they came from the vacation home and he knew he was carrying since then but he kept it secret and took a pregnancy test twice. He was beyond pleased after learning the results. He's going to have a family with the love of his life!

Ravenette can't keep himself from telling such good news to his bunny lover who's completely clueless about his own fatherhood. It's gonna be the greatest surprise of his life.

The whole afternoon passed shopping for kid's clothes, toys and other necessary stuff for taehyung. Jimin offered to visit a hospital for a check but taehyung being a stubborn bear refused saying he only wants to go there with jungkook. 

Blonde rolled his eyes at his friend's cheesiness. Taehyung changed after getting into a relationship with jungkook. He's been controlling his demons well. Not many murders have happened and most importantly taehyung's been looking so more happy. That's what matters the most for Jimin.

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