Chapter 1: Integra's new Vampire.

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The night was cold and snowy in the streets of London. You found yourself, resting on a bench placed on the sidewalk. You were wearing a white dress shirt, a black, double breasted trench coat over it, a black, untied tie hanging over the collar of your shirt, and a black ushanka (Russian ear hat). You were warm. Being a vampire was hard. You couldn't eat garlic, you couldn't stare at a crucifix, you couldn't even enter a persons home unless you were invited, which made matters worse because you're homeless. But fortunately, being a vampire has its perks. Your more powerful than others in all five of your senses as well as physical strength and endurance. You also had incredible vampire abilities. Although. You had the risk of being hunted by the Hellsing organization. That's no good for vampires.

You start to feel very drowsy. So, you decide fall asleep on the bench you were laying on. And luckily for you, you are one of those powerful vampires who can go out in sunlight! Pretty cool. Now you don't have to worry about getting burnt to death. You slowly close your eyes and drift off to sleep in which you will have pleasant dreams. Maybe tomorrow you'll eat someone, drink their blood. That sounds nice. Of course it does.

You wake up in the morning, still laying down on the beach, the street and sidewalk is very lively, people are walking around, going to stores, you even spot a couple making out in an alleyway. Then you get reminded of when you were thinking about eating someone. You are disappointed that there's so many people who would witness that, therefore, you had to wait until the time was right. So, to escape suspicion, you get up, you stretch a bit, some of the citizens give you dirty looks because you were basically a homeless bum. Yes you were homeless, but you had a decent amount of money in your pocket, mainly from stealing the money from your victims wallets when you ate them or drank their blood. Your in a good place both mentally and financially. Although being a vampire is hard, you managed to be as human to any normal person.

You start to walk on the sidewalk and you even stop by the store. Though you are a vampire, you still like the snacks a tiny gas station has. You enter the tiny gas station and you buy a few items. Two mango flavored energy drink, a bag of jolly ranchers, and about five packs of cigarettes. You pay for the items with your stolen, blood money, take the bag, and leave the store to do God knows what.

You then find a new bench on the sidewalk to relax on. You sit on the beach, crack open your mango energy drink and begen to swig.

Many boring hours later of you smoking to pass the time, you finally spot a victim to feed upon. The sky is pink, almost red, the dusk sky was always a good sign for you. You step close the victim. It was a beautiful young woman. "Pity! She's so cute. But I'm hungry." You think to yourself. You start to smooth talk your new victim, she's so gullible that she fell for all your tricks, you then pin her against the brick wall between the tight space of the alleyway. Then you give her a little kiss before feeding upon her, sinking your teeth into her tender neck. She's delicious.

But then. You hear the sound of a loaded gun, you turn around to find four soldiers and one tall young blonde woman with glasses smoking a cigar, all pointing guns at you. Though the woman was not as tall as you, she intimidated you. Then it clicked who they were.

(Y/N): "Fuck! Your Hellsing members!"

That's when the tall young blonde woman with glasses smoking a cigar, speaks up in a cold and harsh demeanor.

Integra Hellsing: "That's right. Your fucked."

You knew then that you were indeed "fucked". But, because you're a strong vampire, you escape just in time. But you knew it wasn't that easy, you get shot in the shoulder. It burns. Holy water laced bullets. Integra Hellsing, the tall young blonde woman with glasses smoking a cigar, steps Infront of you and speaks in the same cold and harsh time you always heard of.

Integra Hellsing x Male vampire readerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon