Where it Begins and Ends

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(Alana's POV)

"Aang want me to show you how to do it again?" I asked as Aang was trying to learn this new air bending move I made. He looked like he was having a hard time. Then before he could respond some other air benders came over too us.

"Alana, Aang wanna play with us?" a kid asked us.

"Sorry kid but I am showing Aang this new move before Monk Gyasto and the others come get us"

"Yeah apparently they have something important to tell us" Aang said as he was also trying to learn the air scooter at the same time.

"Alana! Aang!, we are ready for you now." Gyasto said as he came up to us.

We were walking to the room where all the Senior Monks were patiently waiting for us.

They took us into the room, sat us down and told us something we never thought we would hear.

"You two are the Legendary Avatars, this spiritual event doesn't happen every so often in an Avatar life cycle. You see kids, normally there is only one given avatar for a life cycle, but in this case, you Alana, and you Aang are both the avatar or avatars should we say. Basically both your spirits are connected and so you both can bend all 4 elements and get in touch with the avatars past" One of the senior Monks said.

"How do you know for sure though?" Aang said giving a very serious look

"Yeah and why are you telling us this now, I mean me and Aang are only 12."

"Yes we do know for a fact that you and Aang are the Avatars, we would have waited until your 16th birthdays but we are sensing a war is on our shoulders, and us Air benders are the first targets" Gyasto said looking very troublesome.

"So since me and Aang have mastered Air already you want us to leave and master the other 3" I asked.

"Yes you both shall start your journey tomorrow."

Time Skip to Aang and Alana walking after being told the news

"Aang we have to make a promise"

"Sure Alana, Anything"

"I am so scared for what might happen, I mean with us being Avatars, having to leave home and maybe a war I am so scared."

"I know Alana I am terrified too. But what promise"

"Aang, no matter what happens I want us to stick together, and to be there for each other, we are in this together" I said

"Yes Alana I promise." 

"Ok Aang, anyway we should probably get some sleep. Goodnight Aang, see you tomorrow" I said giving Aang a tight hug.

"See you tomorrow, Alana" Aang said hugging me back.

 Time Skip to Late at Night

I can't sleep, I wonde- My thoughts were cut off by a frantic Gyasto running into my room telling me that Aang had disappeared and the Fire Nation had already begun their attack on us. As soon as those words came out of his mouth, I ran and gave him a hug, My heart sank Aang was supposed to be here to protect our people at a hard time when we needed him the most and he was gone. Just like that he broke our promise, and I had to try and help my people by myself.

"Alana I need you to try and save the children, you have your bison, please save them!" Gyasto said running back out to try and fight them off. Little did I know that was the last time I would ever see him.

Then BOOM  I heard loud cannons of hot fire rocks and the screams of my people trying to save each other. I had quickly grabbed my staff and ran out. I seen the children ran towards them and we quickly started running towards the bison, but it was to late. The Fire Nation had killed all of them. Even mine, I would never see her again. I was about to start crying but then 5 Fire Nation soldiers came towards us. I told the kids to run the other way because it seemed like no one was there, as I fought off the other soldiers. 

They shot flames at me, I quickly jumped out of the way and shot air at them making them tumble and fall to the ground, but so did I. I missed one of them and he had shot fire right at my ankle. My flesh was searing off and all I could think about were those kids. I quickly blocked his other shot by spinning my staff and blew him away. 

I turned around and ran in the direction of the kids, but I was to late. They were gone. 

Everyone was gone.

I hid in a room until the Fire Nation decided they had killed everyone.

I was heart broken and in pain both physically and mentally. All I could see were the scattered burnt remains of my fellow air benders, most of which were kids younger than me. I was the avatar I should have been able to do something about it but I couldn't. My ankle had major burns and I could barely thin of that right now. By now I was crying so bad. Aang left, if he didn't we could have stopped this or at least saved some of them. I didn't save a single person. It was all my fault.

Aang broke our promise and because of that I would never be able to forgive him. But I had to find him. Maybe we would still have each other. So I picked myself up off the ground wiped my tears. I had changed into a more white and blue coloured outfit because I had a feeling Aang would go to the water tribe, we had friends there and it was so close. I bandaged my leg with what little supplies we had left and set off into the storm. I had not noticed how bad the storm getting but by then I was to far for any where to land so I kept going. But then I couldn't control my glider and had crashed into the ocean. 

The waves hit me in the face, trying to drown me with every one. The more I was in that water the deeper I got. Then finally sunk under. I had seen a flashing light, it was peaceful and warm, then the next thing I knew everything went black.

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