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The orientation went on well.

Jake made sure to not think or look at Sunghoon and mind his own business..on the other hand Sunghoon wasn't aware that Jake was sitting behind him the whole time..Not untill Geonu decided to do something Brave..


The orientation was finally over.I made sure to keep everything in mind..It was around 11AM now..we just came out of the hall..everything was going well but then Geonu..

"hello Can you possibly tell me if SC applications are still being accepted? You're the Prez right?" Geonu went upto Heeseung Hyung and asked.
oh hell no Geonu you shit-
"Oh I'm so sorry Prez, my friend is just Nervous..please don't mind him.."Daniel explained to Heeseung who was just looking at Geonu with a plain expression.
"It's okay..and yeah they are still being accepted.."He smiled but it quickly faded when he saw me behind them.
should I run? no that's cowardly..just face it,I have to..

I walked upto him.

"Hey Heeseung hyung..Congrats on becoming the President I rememer you always wanted this position.." I said smiling a bit but it soon faded when he wasn't giving any expressions but just staring at me blankly.

"It's been a long time.." He still held on that blank expression.
"Yeah..I hope you've been well.." 
is he mad? why isin't he smiling,like hello it's making me nervous.

"YOU BOTH KNOW EACH OTHER! Jake you didn't introduce me!" Geonu blurted out.
"Hey wait! let them speak can you shut up Geonu.." Daniel held Geonu's arm and pulled him away.

"Let's see each other often..I'll speak to you later..it was nice meeting you Jake.." He smiled a bit.
Thank God this was hella awkward..

"Hey Hyung Me and Jay are off to class..oh-" 

Sunghoon..please just how much more awkward will this get..

He saw me and was walking over to us..Jay was by his side comprehending whether to let him come here or stop him,Heeseung Hyung was looking at his direction.

I'm not letting myself go weak..

"Geonu, Dan let's go we have a class to take..we'll be off Hyung.."  I said and went my way completely ignoring Sunghoon that was standing behind Heeseung Hyung and now looking at his feet.

I heard footsteps and soon I felt a warm embrace on my wrist.
Please stop..

"Jake can we meet after class please?" Sunghoon asked,my back was still facing him..I didn't want to look at those eyes.
"I wanted to explain-" 
"You have nothing to explain Sunghoon! and I don't have time for a stupid made up eplaination of yours..so please just pretend you don't know me and mind your own business.." I managed to tell him now looking at him straight in his eyes.
He was stunned,He didn't expect me to be this...cruel..I knew I sounded rude but I didn't want to meet him anymore,I can't imagine myself being friends with him after everything that has happened.

"Jake..I'm,Look I know you hate me rn but there's a misunderstan-"
"Sunghoon please! Just leave me alone for God's sake!!" I was on the verge of crying..I was hurting him,but he deserves it..He deserves every single bit of it..

"Sorry...."He mumbled and walked back to the others who were just staring at me with widen eyes that now softened looking at Sunghoon.

This isn't how it was supposed to turn out..

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