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This was not supposed to happen while he was here. "The principal? What does he want?" Malachi asked. I slowly sat up and moved my hair infront of my ear. Should I make up the biggest lie that I can ever tell? "Are you in trouble?" My eyes met Malachis gosh damn his eyes were so hot. I stood up and started talking fast. Ok please don't be mad, you have to realize I was not really thinking right but I accepted the higher learning where you can go to a different advanced high school which means I would finish my high school years there and I guess he emailed me about saying that's it all set and I would need to find the high school I want to go to. I was shaking so much while saying that. "You what?" Malachi- he then cut me off "that's it your just going to leave me and rhianna and your mom?" No thats not what it is. "It's exactly like that. Malachi stood up. And started to walk out of the living room. Shit this is really bad. "Not to mention it seemed like you were never going to tell me you probably won't even tell rhianna." Malachi seemed so pissed I never seen him get like this. I was going to tell you I promise! It's just happened today you can't be mad at me for wanting to get out of the school I been bullied in this town my whole life. He was really pissed. Then the door bell ringed. Fuck it was rhianna i told everything quickly and Malachi looked even more pissed. "Malachi stop don't yell at her your taking this way to far if you in her shoes you would want to leave this school to." Rhainana put her arm around me and hugged me. "You're out of your mind Malachi." He walked past us rubbing my shoulder with a tear falling from his face and a tear falling from my face. Malachi wait please. "Save it." This is a night mare.

I pulled rhianna in for a hug and cried in her arms. "Isabella the high school in England that you want to go to has dorms for exchange students!" That's great mama. Noting was great right now though I probably just lost Malachi.

(Author notes- well that just took a turn stay tuned for more!!!)

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