"Great, now I don't have any spare clothes for you, so for now it'll have to be what you came in, the house elves have cleaned it all up for you and repaired them, do you want some help changing?" Severus was unsure "It's ok, it's just me and you" Harry reassured him. With some gentle coaxing, Harry was able to help Severus change. he saw a few bruises and other marks "Is this why you were unsure about having me help you?" Harry asked Severus nodded, and Harry gave a kind smile "It's okay Severus, remember you did nothing wrong, and I promise I will never hit you" Severus looked at him. Harry smiled and helped him change "Severus" he looked at Harry, who showed him his hand "I have a scar too" "What happen?" Severus asked "Well, there was this not-so-nice lady and one day in school she gave me a detention, just for telling the truth but to her the truth wasn't real, it was a lie and so for a punishment, I was made to write lines, saying I must not tell lies and as I wrote with the quill it marked my hand when I asked how many lines she said just until it sunk in" "that's not nice!" Harry nodded "yes it isn't nice, don't worry that woman is locked away in Azkaban, she did a lot of bad things thinking they were good, she was very good at hiding it but remember this, the truth always comes out" Severus nodded Harry smiled "now let's get breakfast" Severus nodded holding onto his toy bat.

As they walked down Severus saw how big this place was, he was amazed at it Harry had found there was a smaller dining room for family rather than the big one for hosting dinner parties. Severus sat in a chair Harry sat in his, the elves served breakfast there was a mix of things it was like a small buffet. from hot foods like sausage, pancakes, bacon and so on to cold breakfasts like different types of cereal. "Pick what you want" Harry told Sev, who nodded getting some toast and jam "What do you want to drink? There's water, pumpkin juice, fruit juice and milk" Severus looked and said "Apple pwese?" Harry nodded and gave him a small cup of it. "Now today we'll be going into diagonally, to go to the bank then after, well get what you need is that ok?" Harry asked Sev nodded just going along with it for now. "Alright, now well try using the floo to get there, if you don't like that we can get the knight bus or apparate" Sev nodded again, he had heard about them from his mother but didn't know what exactly they were.

After breakfast was finished, they went to the floo room, Harry put his cloak on and said "Now this is really easy, you take the floo powder say where you want to go, then throw it down and I'll be on the other side" Sev nodded a little scare hugging his plushie. Rowie was there and said "It ok, I here I help" "That's right, now let's practice saying where we are going to, it's diagonally can you say it" "Diagonally?" "Close it's not diagonally, I made that mistake I ended up in a not-so-nice place, and seems that's a little hard to have you say let's try this, the leaky cauldron can you say that?" "The leaky coldrun?" "That's right Severus, now when it's your turn say that, I'll be on the other side, it's still early so not many people will be there" Harry explained and went up to the floo and was successful he waited for Severus.

"It ok, do what master did" Rowie encouraged Sev, who took a small handful "That it, stand in there and say what master said" Sev walked up and said "The leaky cauldron!" he threw it down and was soon there, he stumbled out Harry caught him he chuckled. "There we go" Sev hugged him, he'd been scared Harry knelt and rubbed his head. "I know it can be scary, let's do it when you're a bit older, now ok" Sev nodded Harry put him on his hip and walked through the back. Sev's eyes lit up amazed Harry set him down and knelt "Now Severus I want you to listen to me ok" Sev looked up at him. "This place can get very busy, so I need you to hold my hand while we walk through the street ok" he nodded and held Harry's hand while keeping a strong grip on his new batty friend as they walked. people thought they were father and son, Harry had been reading over pureblood lessons to get the act down, and people thought he was one Severus looked around at everything.

With it being early the streets were empty and they soon reached the bank, Severus looked up at it amazed Harry chuckled and walked in he went up to the front "Excuse me" the goblin looked. "Ah lord Peverell! how can I help such an important customer of ours?" "I'd like to speak to my account manager please, I had told them I'd be back soon" "Of course one moment" they left "What they?" Sev asked Harry knelt "there goblins, they take care of the money in any country, its best to be polite to them" Sev nodded soon the goblin came back and they were shown to a private room. "back again so soon, now what did you wish to speak about" the goblin asked "you know what I talked about last time, I now have one of the children with me Severus Snape, I want him checked for potions and can you do any paperwork for adoption on paper only not blood, hes under-age and I'd rather he decide when older" Harry explained. the goblin nodded and said "have him do what you did" Harry nodded "Severus" Sev looked at him "can you make a small cut and let the blood go onto the paper it'll heal right away" Severus was unsure but after some coaxing he did a few drops landed he saw his cut was healed the goblin took the paper and read it and passed it to Harry who read it 'the hell his mother had love potions so hes similar to tom born from a love potion being so young no potions and spells besides one to amplify negative ones so it explains his father' Harry thought "alright I want them removed pleased also do a check for any titles he'd get when of age" "of course the latter will be done after the cleansing" the goblin lead them to another ritual room but smaller in size Harry knelt to Severus and explained what would happen it scared Severus who clung to Harry

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