Episode 3: Girl of Steel

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The bustling sounds of the city enveloped Y/n as he sat on a railing alongside Itadori, with Megumi standing close by. The sun shone brightly above them, its warmth tempered by a gentle, cooling breeze. Itadori, engaged in his blue popsicle, pondered aloud, "How are there only four first-years? Isn't that too few?"

"Well, have you ever met anyone who can see curses before?" Megumi retorted, prompting Itadori to think for a moment.

"Nope." Itadori admitted after a brief pause.

"That just proves how small a minority jujutsu sorcerers are." Megumi explained, emphasizing the exclusivity of their abilities.

Itadori, still curious, added, "Also, didn't you say I was the fourth?" Itadori asks.

"Their entry was decided a while ago. You've seen what our school looks like. Everyone has unique circumstances." Megumi clarified.

"Look at us, for instance," Y/n chimed in, gesturing between himself and Itadori. "Unlike Megumi, who was born into this world, we were pretty much thrown into it without any warning. Who's to say we won't end up with another unexpected student joining us?"

"Mhm, I think I get it." Itadori acknowledged, understanding dawning on him.

Their conversation was interrupted by Gojo's voice calling out from a distance. "Sorry to keep you waiting!" he shouted, waving at them as he approached. His attention quickly turned to Itadori. "Looks like your uniform arrived just in time."

"Yeah, it's a perfect fit." Itadori said, showing off his attire with a thumbs-up. "Though it's slightly different from Fushiguro's and Y/n's. It has a good, for one." He added, adjusting the red hood of his uniform.

"That's because the uniforms can be customized upon request." Gojo explained.

Y/n, surprised, interjected, "Wait, really? I didn't know that."

"You didn't?" Gojo replied, somewhat amused.

"You never told me!" Y/n exclaimed in frustration. "Can I still change mine?"

"Of course!" Gojo responded enthusiastically, giving another thumbs-up. Y/n just gave him an exasperated look.

Megumi chimed in with a word of advice, "Be careful. Gojo-sensei has a tendency to do things like that." He then shifted the topic. "More importantly, why are we meeting up in Harajuku?"

"Because it's what she asked for." Gojo said.

. . .

An older man, his demeanor hinting at a life steeped in the arts, walked alongside a young woman. Her dress was the epitome of elegance, each stride an unstudied grace.

"Hello there. Are you on the clock right now?" he inquired with a polite curiosity.

The woman's response was swift, her tone carrying an edge of impatience. "No, I'm not."

Undeterred, the man continued, his voice laced with a blend of enthusiasm and professionalism. "You see, I'm looking for potential models. That's who I am. Would you be interested?" The older man asked.

Her reply came like a winter breeze, cool and dismissive "I'm in a hurry right now."

"Just here me out." he implored. But his words dissolved into the air as she moved away, a fading specter of poise and haste.

Then, as if the scene were set for another act, a different girl emerged. With a boldness that contrasted sharply with the first woman's reserve, she spun the man around to face her.

"Excuse me," she interjected, a spark of ambition in her eyes. "What about me?" she posed the question, thumbing towards herself with a mix of defiance and hope. The man, caught off-guard, struggled to regain his composure. "For the modeling gig. I'm asking what you think about me."

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