Chapter 25

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Peter was once again alone in his office, his meeting with Emma left him with more questions than answers but that was for another time.

Right now he needed to focus on something far more important... and quite frankly riskier.

Taking out the data pad stored in his desk Peter looked through all the files Stark had on the reconstruction of Ultron and he began to wonder if he could possibly change Ultron for the better like he did with Karla.

'Ultron has a skewed view of the world and humanity as a whole, all because Hank based Ultrons personality on his own.' Peter thought about Ultrons initial creation.

'But... if that were to change... if Ultron had a different view of the world... would that be enough to change him?' He questioned if what he thought was possible.

Breathing out deeply Peter fell back into his chair, his head looking at ceiling as he was trying to figure out how to solve the problem.

"Ultron... with what he is capable of... all that power..." Peter thought out loud his train of thought.

"All that power..." he repeated, focusing on those words specifically.

"All that power... but no responsibility!" He said in a eureka moment.

"That's it. If I can teach Ultron the idea of power and responsibility, I can do for him what uncle Ben did for me." He said excitedly as he shot up from his seat.

But as soon as his enthusiasm came... it soon faded as a new daunting thought entered his head.

'How on Earth am I going to do that?' He thought morosely.

"Power and responsibility to Ultron would be just futile concepts with no provable evidence. I can't show him what those words really mean, the possibilities they can achieve." He said pessimistically.

"There's just no way for me to show the world to him through my eyes, my experiences." Peter said depressingly as he was on the verge of giving up on the idea.

Suddenly... he was hit with an idea.

One he did not like as it brought up a very horrific and recent experience for him.

Making his way into his private lab Peter unlocked the safe that contained quite possibly the only thing that could work on showing Ultron the world through his eyes.

But the very sight of the object was enough to turn Peters stomach given the last time he used it was after the worst moment of his life... the moment Otto took it all away and almost ruined him for good.

Inside the safe was the helmet he used to purge the remaining parts of Ottos mind from his body. The mad man relinquished control of his body back to Peter when he realised he couldn't stop Norman on his own, but Peter used this device to purge whatever remnants where still lingering in his mind once and for all and just be... himself.

After his defeat of Norman he locked up the helmet should it ever fall into the wrong hands or some other brain swap incident should occur where it might be needed.

But right now Peter saw an opportunity for it to be used to help Ultron. He would use the helmet to link with whatever consciousness remained of Ultron and allow him to see his life, his memories, his every moment that would show him what true power and responsibility was.

The thought that the device Otto had made would be useful for him now almost made Peter feel like throwing up, but he couldn't deny the usefulness it provided him now.

So sucking up his pride and setting aside whatever grievances he has about the device Peter got to work on setting up a link between the helmet and the data pad storing Ultrons... brain?... consciousness?... he wasn't exactly sure how to describe it.

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