We learn from failure, not from success

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Chapter 1 -

7.10 P.M

Hardik rarely pays any heed to the clock or to timings in general. Training, matches, flights to catch, there would alway be someone to drag him around and to make sure that he gets to things and events on time.

In the team, there would always be someone who would notice that he had not turned up and would go looking for him. As Virat would say, "You are too loud not to be missed."

His tone would be long-suffering every single time and Hardik would shamelessly laugh away.

Sometimes Jaddu would threaten, "We would leave you behind the next time! Would serve you right. Lazy brat!" But there would be no anger in his tone, only exasperation and resignation.

Hardik never minded anything Ravinder Jadeja said; despite pretending to be averse to emotions, that man cared more than he wanted people to know.

And Hardik always felt that Jaddu had had a soft spot for him ever since he had cursed that man out after the Champion's Trophy run-out disaster in 2017 and thereafter had trudged to him to apologise, certain that he would not be forgiven.

But Hardik had been forgiven. Very quickly and with no drama. It had been kind of a first for him. The one person to forgive him that easily before that had been Krunal and their parents. No one else. People had mostly taken his attitude for his ego and always looked to take him a peg down.

But despite being humiliated on field, on camera, in front of a billion people, by a boy a lot junior than him, Jaddu had not taken a moment to forgive Hardik. He had understood the reason for his outburst and that had forever endeared Jaddu to Hardik.

"Sir, do you want me to get someone to take your luggage?"

Hardik's thoughts which had taken a trot off to the past, rushed back to the present. The concierge was talking to him and she had asked something; Hardik had no idea about what.


"Your bags, sir?  I can get someone to help you with them." There was no trace of irritation or imperiousness in her attitude and Hardik was oddly gratified.

"No..No. I can manage."

Thanking the girl with a nod, Hardik dragged his feet towards the lift which was kept open, presumingly for him. With one backpack, his coffin and one hand trolley he pulled behind, he was travelling pretty light.

When the doors closed and the lift started moving, Hardik was reminded of the reason he was checking out the time.

'Was it too late to find another Hotel? He could talk to the Team Manager, maybe?'

Hardik refuted the thought almost immediately; he did not want to speak to anyone unless really required. But what about Mahi bhai?

He had been informed by their Manager that MS, on knowing that there were no Hotel rooms available at this moment, had volunteered to share his room with Hardik.

'But the last thing Hardik wanted to do was to face Mahi bhai just yet. He wanted to postpone the inevitable as long as possible. He was nowhere near ready to face the man he respected so much after the words he had spoken. What had he been thinking?'

"Your floor, Sir."

Hardik again nodded his thanks and walked out to the Hotel Lobby. Despite the fairly early hours and the match being 4 days away, there was no one to seen lounging about. Though there was always the chance that they may be in the Team Room or in Mahi bhai's room, which often doubled up as a substitute Team room.

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