train to hell <\3

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He was stupid. A complete and utter moron.
Snow had to be the dumbest academy student to enter the school. And now you were really regretting following him to meet the tributes.
When arriving at the platform what you didn't expect to see was hundreds of peacekeepers surrounding the train station. Guns in hand, their eyes dark and cold getting ready to shoot if they saw a sudden movement showing any kind of violent nature.

A loud whistle sounds causing your head to snap towards the tracks where a large, screaming mechanical train begins to slow. As the train pulls into the station, you notice how many carriages there are, at least ten or twelve. peacekeepers that once stood still begin to move towards the train, their guards high holding large guns up with white knuckles, a dark, scary look on their faces.
Slowly each cart begins to open and tribute after tribute begins to flood out. At the sight of each tribute climbing off the train, only did you then realise you needed to find 'Treech', and quickly you began searching for your tribute, Treech. The district 7 male.

As you pass by each cart, you see the district 3 pair, district 4 pair, both helping their pair climb down, and then eventually the district 7 pair. Lamina was the first to climb down, her eyes red rimmed with snot dried on her lip and nose from the tears that hadn't stopped falling.
then, Treech climbed down, surveying the new area he had arrived in.

"Hello? Treech?" You call moving cautiously over to the pair. He turns to you sharply as if you were going to strike him, his clothes seemed to be even more rugged and dirty, his hat placed firmly on his head, his eyes surrounded by deep dark bags, but the most noticeable feature was the look of hatred smeared his gorgeous face his hands still tightly clenched. He gazed at you coldly, looking at you up and down before turning to Lamina checking to see if she was alright.

He then turns back to you taking a small step forward and straightening his back. "What is someone like you doing here?" He spits out glaring down at you moving to stand in front of Lamina protectively as if you were a feral beast ready to attack her.

He's got spunk, that would help him survive. But he's protective, and puts other people forward before him.

"My name is y/n L/n, I am your mentor. My job is-"

"I don't need a mentor. I don't need you." He interrupts staring at you in disgust. He then begins to look around before looking to the other tributes. "Why is there only two of you here... doesn't everyone get a mentor or is some tributes getting special treatment?"

You raise a brow in suppose at his sharp tongue. Ouch. He seemed even more exhausted then before, you look over his shoulder seeing snow speaking to Lucy gray.He seemed to be more successful than you, reaching out to offer her a rose. You couldn't see her face, but her body language was relaxed, calm. She was trusting Snow, much more than treech was you.

"Listen, I know you don't like me, but in the end I'm not going to just, let you die. I'm going to help you, I swear." You raise my hands to show I mean no harm. Taking a step back you look into the cart the pair had stepped down from. It was dark, and dusty, dirt was all you could see in the damp wooden box. You shiver, the pair were in there for hours, they wouldn't barely be able to breathe...
"Did they tell you to say that? Try and make me nicer for the Capitol to look at." He rolls his eyes not meeting your eyes anymore. The cold look was now replaced with something deeper, something depressed.

His face seemed to sour even more again as three peace keepers appeared behind you, two grabbing Treech, and another grabbing Lamina by her arm dragging them to a transportation van. He manages to pull away, fighting the arms of the peacekeepers as they manage to push him onto the vans floor.

I begin to step forward, words close to leaving my throat as suddenly snow reaches out clasping my wrist.
"Wait. Just wait. When they finish putting Jessup into the van, we will join the tributes in there." He sharply whispers into your ear as his eyes follow Lucy Gray into the van.

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