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Poland POV:

I woke up to a beautiful morning... it was Saturday at last, and my dog, Marek, was also up and ready (he found Marek on the streets). I dreamt of fighting those bozos with Niemcy, what a strange dream. is the day...

I clean my house (T^T). It has been a while since I last cleaned it (bro hasn't cleaned it for a YEAR AND A HALF), it has collected so much dust.

Well, time to 𝒸𝓁𝑒𝒶𝓃! I found my cleaning tools, they also collected a lot of dust as well. I picked them up and got to work. I opened Spotify on my phone and danced as I cleaned. I mopped, wiped, and dusted every nook and cranny. And the part I hate the most? ᴍʏ ᴄʟᴏsᴇᴛ don't wanna know what's in there...anyhoo, I danced and cleaned the house for a few hours.

After finally finishing, Marek wanted to go out for a walk. He had the leash in his snout and was wagging his tail excitedly and looking like a complete ball of fluff.

Poland has a Polish Tatra Sheepdog

Poland has a Polish Tatra Sheepdog

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Yeah, this adorable little floof

Anyhoo... I was a bit tired but LOOK AT HIM! HE'S A LOVABLE LITTLE DOGGY!!! I couldn't resist the cutie pie so I mustered all my energy just to walk him. I fastened his leash on for him, put on my brown sweater, and went outside to tOuCh GrAsS.

{At the park}

Ah yes...the park, the birds are chirping, and since the park is near the sea, I could hear the soft splashing of the sea waves with the breeze blowing gently... nothing can ruin this day-, "Guten tag, Polen!" a voice said from behind. I was startled and jumped a bit. "MATKO BOSKA!" I screamed, "O-oh...entschuldigung (sorry), Polen," he apologized.

I thought it was a bit funny, "It's fine," I chortled, "Who's this?" Germany asked as he looked at Marek. Marek barked and wagged his tail. "Oh, this sweetheart?" I paused with a smile, "he's my dog, Marek. I found him on the streets a while back.", he chuckled and petted the dog.

"He already seems to like you," I said with an amusement look, "That's rare,". The German stopped petting Marek and looked at me, "But he seems so sweet and friendly,", "Nah, I showed him to America one time he DID NOT like him at all," I retorted, "hmm," he hummed as Marek licked his face a tad bit but Germany clearly wasn't a fan of it.

I looked at Germany and suggested, "Why not you walk Marek for a while?", "Ok, sure," he agreed and we walked along the path as cool as a cucumber. Then Marek started running; dragging the German along as he ran. "HEEELLLLLPPPPPP!!!" he screamed desperately, I spread my wings and flew as fast so that I could to catch up to them. He dropped his bag along the way, I noticed and stopped to pick it up, then I started chasing them yet again.

Marek flung himself into the freezing Baltic Sea. I giggled at him and Marek as Germany got up from the water, "Now I'm WET!" he frowned, muttering about how cold it is.

Germany POV:

I am all wet because of Marek, I looked at Poland who is laughing at me from afar. I feel all warm and fuzzy inside, and a smile stretches across my face, he is the most cheerful country I've ever met in my life.

I then realized that my bag was gone, "Polen, have you seen my bag?" I questioned him, "Yeah, you dropped it," he replied and handed me my bag. It was a good thing I put my wallet in my bag, otherwise the money would get wet.

I took a quick dash to the thrift store to buy some cheap clothes. I sauntered along the aisles and found a gray shirt and some denim pants. I quickly paid for the items and headed out afterwards.

I headed to the nearby toilet and changed into clothes that were NOT wet.

I came out after changing and headed back to Poland and Marek, "You had your wallet in your bag?" Poland asked in surprise, "Yeah, why?" I invoked. "Well," he halted, "It's kinda...never mind...", "It won't get stolen!" I proclaimed with a proud face. "Good for you then," he told me with a shrug, "You got any towels in there?". I reached into my bag to check, "I think..." I stopped, "Ah ha! Yes, I do.", he then grabbed a small towel and started to dry Marek.

After he dried him, he returned the towel and petted Marek a bit. "Thanks, Niemcy!" he thanked me, and then a faint grumbling sound came from his stomach, "Ummm..." he mumbled, "I guess it's time for lunch," I chuckled. "Café?" he recommended, "Café," I repeated, "How about Marek?" he asked and looked at him. "Take out then," I said and we headed to the cafe.

You got my heart [REWRITTEN] // GerPol // Countryhumans fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now