"I guess that I have to admire his hatred for us"-the Belkan CEO finished his cup of coffee-"It seemed like we can't extract more money from our enemy for our project.Anyway,this scapegoat tech demonstrator is still a proper working fighter."-Heinrich throws away the contract from the desk-"You can bring Fairchild with you,no need for money,just keep her as a gift from your friend,and don't give it to someone that would disturb our plan..."


"Huh?What do you mean when you say that I'm bad?"

After coming back from the forest and returning the guns back to the owners,plus an extra 15 minutes on taxis,the two hunters had returned to their home.Sitting quietly on a benches at the corner of the outside of the hotel,Mobius and Trigger recount all of their static for the today's trip:

"I have 5 kills,you have 1,and you missed two whole magazines"-the female pilot chuckled-"I spend two thirds of one magazine to have that kill count.Jezze,if that isn't bad then what it is then?Even Milika and Leonardo last time did better"

"Fine"-Trigger replied in embarrassment-"But you are good because you have done that a lot.In the opposite,I've never done,actually,this is the first time I go out hunting with someone.And this is better than I've expected,one kill isn't that bad afterall"

"So,do you want to go with me next time..."


Mobius leans her head on the shoulder of Trigger:

"Hey...oh,I guess that the winter huntress still have to rest"

Seeing his captain dozing by his side,the pilot of Three Strikes takes a light breath and looks up to see the stars slowly rising from the horizon.A quiet space,like there is only him,a bench,the sky,and of course,Mobius,like they are the whole universe,or it just because his awareness has been shrunk into just a few meter from the right of the bench where he sits,to the left,where his captain is.The cold wind blow into his face with a whistle,the dripping sound of water from the pipes,and the sound of their breaths,all sound so clear to Trigger,yet,all of those are so silence,like the insignificant factors of the space-time,but those little factors are the things that made everything so significant.And to him,the significant thing here is nothing else,than the girl by his side:

(A/N:Should've had an illustration for this scene,but I would have to sell my lifespan for that)

"So,we are here,at the same place,at this very moment,I guess that this is fate,right?For me to meet you?"



Trigger leaned his back onto the bench,as his eyes desperately called to be closed.The pilot had tried to fight back the sleepiness for his whole trip back home,but now,as the warm heat on from the sleeping pilot next to him slowly spread along his arm into his body,and the lullaby of the breathing of the air alluring him into the world of dream.Trigger can't help,but slowly accepted for his eyes to rest:

"A nap...is fine..."

Suddenly,just right before the eyes of the pilot close,from the skyline,a ray of light has caught his attention:

"Oh,is that a shooting star?"

"Huh..?Shooting star?"-Mobius slowly opened her eyes-"Oh,no,that should be a comet.A comet at dawn?Quite a rare opportunity to see them"

Follow the pointing finger of Trigger,the female pilot look up to her right and see as a white light flying from far away starting to stripe its mark on the darkening blue.Among the sky are a F-15 and a Su-30 flying in pair,they seemed to have noticed the shooting star too,because the Eagle tried to get a better look by driving toward the the comet' coming direction:

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