Black Widow: What did you say, Wasp? Don't forget we made an agreement on sharing him.

Wasp: Hehehe... I know. I was just joking! *thought* Even though it was true~


The two then turn around to see Spider Gwen or Ghost spider arrived at the scene.

The two then turn around to see Spider Gwen or Ghost spider arrived at the scene

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Ghost Spider: Hey, girls! Did Wasp find him?

Black Widow: Yeah, he went to the bar where we're standing.

Ghost Spider: Wow! It must have been a long day of work if he wants to drink.

Wasp: Hopefully he doesn't drink too much, I had enough dealing with that when it came to my ex husband.

Suddenly a loud lightning strike spook the three of them.

???: We're already familiar about your ex, Wasp.

From up in the sky appeared two people, Storm and Emma Frost from the X-Men.

Emma Frost: Hank is a terrible person to think he can abuse his own wife because of his ego

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Emma Frost: Hank is a terrible person to think he can abuse his own wife because of his ego.

Emma Frost: Hank is a terrible person to think he can abuse his own wife because of his ego

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