Chapter Twenty-Four

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(*The aftermath of the dare where Ace Frehley jumps off a cliff overlooking the Atlantic Ocean while singing "I can believe I can fly"!*)

Ace: *is in his bedroom lying down on the bed while bundled up in blankets to try and warm himself up* 😣

Suzy: So, let me get this straight: You actually jumped off a cliff and when you landed into the Atlantic Ocean, YOU SWAM DOWN TOWARDS THE R.M.S TITANIC?! 😨

Ace: Well, yeah. But when I finally landed, my entire body sank to the bottom and I found myself face-to-face with the Titanic.

KellerSinger19: Whoa...that's so cool.

Me: And unfortunately, there's something that you probably didn't realize while you were down there.

Ace: What's that, curly?

Me: You were disturbing a bunch of people's graves.

Ace: 😱⁉️...Ack.

Paul: And there was no way you could've survived down there. Because based on Emily has told me, you would've been imploded almost immediately after finding the R.M.S Titanic.

Ace: But I made myself an oxygen tank and a scuba diving mask while I was down there...

Me: No, SpaceAce. Your entire body would have imploded and you'd never feel a thing because it would happen so fast.

Ace: Can ya please tell me what the heck does that even mean?

Me: Implosion is an instance of something collapsing violently inward. Remember the Titan submersible that tried to go down to the R.M.S Titanic?

Paul: When did this happen?

Me: It was on June 18, 2023. Anyway, the submersible and the five men that were inside imploded.

KellerSinger19: Oh no! 🙀

Me: Basically, when a submarine hull collapses, it moves inward at about 1,500mph (2,414km/h) - that's 2,200ft (671m) per second. The time required for complete collapse is about one millisecond, or one thousandth of a second.

Ace: ...Ack. 😨

Suzy: OMG! That's horrible!

Me: A human brain responds instinctually to a stimulus at about 25 milliseconds. Human rational response - from sensing to acting - is believed to be at best 150 milliseconds. The air inside a sub has a fairly high concentration of hydrocarbon vapours. When the hull collapses, the air auto-ignites and an explosion follows the initial rapid implosion.

Paul: Oh my God. I'd never volunteer to do a thing like that, not even KISS would do it.

Ace: I guess I was lucky enough to have survived.

Me: Did you even see any remains of the Titian submersible?

Ace: No, I don't think I did. I didn't even know anything about that until now.

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