The Note

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Ryder POV
It was after the show, and Jake was history! Well, me and Marley weren't exactly together. . .yet. I had been planning a lot! Oh, and also, Jake wasn't exactly history. . .yet. . . He had asked my advice about Marley, and at first I was happy to oblige if it made Marley happy, but, I got a little selfish. I told him to get her a necklace, but after he put it in her locker, and before she saw it, I sneaked another note (which I typed so she would know my handwriting, and the spelling would be better) in her locker as well. This is what it said: I know you probably like Ryder. I mean, he's an amazing guy. So you should go for him. Because I don't like you anymore. If you aren't willing to do that with me, than I don't want to try anymore for you. You're not worth that much to me. Ryder does like you though, so go out with him! This necklace is a sorry gift. It means, I'm sorry I twerked with Bree. But I'm going out with her now, so sorry for that too, I guess. You and Ryder did great in the show by the way! Even though you looked a little chubby. Like, fat. See you! -Jake
Of course I didn't actually think any of those things, but I'd just found a passion for writing (even though my spelling is awful) and I was writing all of it from what I think Jake's perspective is. I know it was a little evil of me (okay, a lot of evil of me), but I couldn't let Marley fall for that hopeless womanizer of a boy. He was worse than his brother, and from stories Finn tells me, Puck was pretty bad! I still had to pretend Jake was my friend though. If he wasn't, I wouldn't mind. I had tons of people who worshipped me on the football team. I had rockin' abs, that any freshman would kill to get. Marley would want to go for me after this. I knew it.
Marley POV
Ryder had been really nice to me lately. I really liked it though. Jake was also strangely nice to me, even though I refused to do anything remotely sexual. But, when I saw the note in my locker, I freaked a little inside.
Jake POV
I really wanted Marley. She was the first girl that was remotely worth waiting for. Maybe not waiting till marriage or anything, but still. I put a necklace in her locker, thanks to Ryder's help. I didn't know how, but he knew girls really well! He is such a sweetie. He's helping me even though he really likes her. I have to thank him.
I saw Marley opening the necklace. I was hiding behind my locker door, and when she opened one of her notes, probably from like Chemistry class or something, she dropped the necklace in her locker and ran to the girl's bathroom. She ran with her hand on her mouth and her eyes tearing up. Maybe the note was a test she failed or something. Hmm. I better go cheer her up. But on second thought, Bree's butt looks really hot today.
"Hey Bree," I say.
"Dude. Did you see Manty going to the bathroom crying! I was just about to go with my friends to make her sadder! See you!" she responds.
"Wait. Bree. Will you come into the boy's bathroom for a second?"
"Um, okay. Did you want to. . . Can we do that after school? I really want to see what's wrong with her!" Bree says.
"Fine. Your house, 6 ish?"
"Yeah that's good. I have to go now. C'mon, girls, let's go make Manatee feel bad about herself," Bree smirks.
"Uh, it's Marley!" I shout at her.
I hear her whisper, "Whatever!" when she walks away.
I don't know why I was suddenly so cheaty. I was usually like that, but lately, I'd been really nice! It was like a sudden urge of sexuality. I didn't care though. I just had to wait till 6. . .
Bree POV
I strutted into the bathroom expecting loud sobs. I got what I came for. There were loud sobs, along with short sniffles and long whimpers. I felt kind of bad for her, which was unlike me. Eww. Sympathy scares me. So instead, I just applied another coat of lip gloss and mascara and left. Maybe Manatees have feelings too.
Marley POV
I didn't understand. Why would he do that? I thought he liked me. It was true that Ryder was an amazing guy, though. I wasn't even that into Jake before. Maybe I will go for Ryder. But a true man always makes the first move.

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