"Okay, sorry, continue." The man said.

"Listen, I learned in this business, if you fuck up it's gone get lonely. Because the mothafuckas you meet and the hoes you encounter don't give a fuck about shit but what you got in your pocket. It's a lonely fucking road. I fucked up, only with ONE person. Janet. So saying I can't keep a stable relationship is crazy. It's a lonely fuckin road aight? I ain't fucked my wife in years. You think I give a damn about what you mothafuckas gotta say? Or what Sienna says to the press? I haven't fucked on my wife in years." Trevante said.

I rose my eyebrows.

Is he talking about me? Gotta be. I laughed a little.

Referring to me as his wife... Hmm.

"Why not?" The man asked him.

"None of your damn business white boy. But I haven't fucked my wife in YEARS. I reaped what I sowed and the shit sucks but it's life. So do you think I give a damn about you or anyone up in here? I don't care about living or dying. I'm a dysfunctional mothafucka, I wanna blaze. Was hannin?" Trevante said.

I bursted out laughing, because his mindset is hilarious to me. Always has been. I'm the only one who really understands him. This nigga just says whatever pops into his head and runs with it, and doesn't give a fuck.

I looked over at Ivory making sure I didn't wake her up from my laughter but I just couldn't not hold that shit in, Trevante is a different breed.

"So you admit you're dysfunctional and that's what caused the problems in your past relationships that subsequently end around the times you're about to drop a movie?" The man said.

Clearly trying to provoke Trevante.

"You know what? It's time for me to dip before me AND you have another viral moment. Let's roll." Trevante said to his team as they all stood up and headed out.

And everybody in the audience looked like they didn't know what to do which made me laugh.

I turned the volume of the TV down and leaned down kissing Ivory's forehead before getting up, and leaving out of the bedroom so I can start breakfast for us.


Trevante POV

I gave Janet a call once I was home, because I owe her an apology.

How I acted that other day wasn't coo. And I get it. Her point of view of why she kept our miscarriage away from me at that time.

The phone rang three times before she answered saying "Hello"

"Morning Janet.." I said.

"Good morning." She said back.

"Look- I wanna cut straight to it, and apologize for my behavior the other day. I just- I don't know" I said.

"It's alright, everything was uneasy that day so." She said.

"I think I was just disappointed in myself. Knowing now that you were pregnant with our second child, and the stress of my behavior made you lose the baby... Just makes me feel like shit. And I felt like you should've told me, but I understand why you didn't. Especially because everything that was going on. I had cheated and everything, it was all on the internet so. I get it." I said.

She sighed into the phone. "It was a tough time for me Trevante. And I didn't think I was ever gonna come out of that rut I was in. Shit, I didn't think I would ever be able to be cool with you again." She said.

"Yeah I know." I said.

"I thought our co parenting shit was gone be like, us talking through a sitter or something. I was just so hurt." Janet said.

"And that shit kills me Janet. For real." I said.

"I hear you." She said.

"I really do apologize for how everything went down at that time. I knew you were in pain, but knowing what I know now, I know it was extremely painful. And.. I hate that. And hate I was the cause." I said honestly.

"I forgive you Trevante. I do, it took time but we here. And I don't hold it against you." Janet said.

"I really appreciate that. You are truly, one of a kind." I said.

"Thank you.." Janet said.

"Of course. I uh, don't know if you got my text but-"

"I did. I watched the press conference. You're hilarious" She said laughing.

"Man they got me fucked up in that bitch" I said.

"And who's your wife?" She asked.

"What?" I said.

"You said you ain't fucked on your wife in years, which was hilarious to me by the way. It was how you said it, like you're just so sexually deprived." She said and I laughed.

"Well I am." I said.

"How when you've been having sex with other women as of recently?" She asked laughing.

"Well, they not my wife. So they don't satisfy me in the way she would." I said.

"And who's this wife you speak of?" Janet asked.

"You." I said and it got quiet over the phone for a moment, and I chuckled.

"Hello..?" I said.

"I mean- I figured but I didn't expect you to actually admit it" She said and we both laughed.

"I don't know why. You know wassup." I said.

"Mm. Anyways, I gotta go nigga, I'm cooking" She said.

"What you making?" I asked.

"Some breakfast for me and Ivory." She said.

"Aye lemme come over and get a plate, I'm hungry" I said.

"Nigga you better go to iHop" She said and I laughed saying "Damn you foul"

"Nah I'm kidding, you can come. I'll make enough." Janet said chuckling. I smiled.

"Aight coo, see you in a bit" I said.

"Aight" She replied before we hung up the phone.



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