Chapter 10

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Yang POV

"AAAHHHH" I scream bloody murder really loud 'you wonder why I'm screaming well I'm feeling pain all over my body and it feels like someone is resemble my bones "AAAHHHH" I screamed again and I feel someone lifting me up and running really fast and I'm guessing it's Seth who's carrying me and is carrying to the middle of the forest and I smell my family and sam's pack too "AAAHHHH" I screamed my loudest and I hear people trying to to help me and someone is shouting orders around.

~Time Skip Seth POV (earlier)~

'I'm so happy yang is my mate he is just so cute and so sweet also everyone in the family loves yang so much like he is part of the family' I thought then all of a sudden yang start's shaking a little then a bit more and he starts screaming "AAAHHHH" yang screams 'SAM YANG IS SCREAMING LIKE BLOODY MURDER I NEED YOU AND THE PACK MEET ME IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FOREST NOW' I mind link to Sam and then to Jacob 'JACOB I NEED YOU TO BRING CARLISLE To THE MIDDLE OF THE FOREST NOW' while I was mind linking to him I picked up yang and start running towards the forest "AAAHHHH" yang screamed again and I start seeing scales on yang 'what the hell' I thought and start running fast then we made it to the forest and I see Sam and the pack there "AAAHHHH" yang screamed louder this time then I see Carlisle Cullen yang's adopted dad and Jacob there too. "Oh my his turning where to early" Carlisle said "what do you mean Carlisle his turning to early" Sam said in a angry voice "a couple of years ago I did some blood tests on yang and I found out yang is part element dragon so he is going to be the first element dragon in history but we have to find out what kind of element he is" Carlisle said "WHAT you did tests on my MATE" I said piss off and I was shaking so bad that everyone besides yang moved away from me a little bit. Then all a sudden there is a bright light and everyone has to close their eyes when the bright light finally went away and we see a beautiful light green dragon and the dragon opens it's eyes and they are the same colour eyes yang have.

(Ho oh well yang is a element dragon what do you think about this anyways I'm in school right now so I'm trying to get as much as I can)

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