Late Nights

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Ghost was unlucky, everyone knew it. All his life, it had been that way. He learned to accept it, for the most part. He tried to live with it, and eventually, it just sort of became a small joke.

One thing he was always unlucky with was mission timing. He always got sent out inconveniently, whether the inconvenience was a storm, the time of day, or even just events happening in the target area. What was more inconvenient was the times he always got back. Somehow, he always managed to get stuck coming back to base late.

Today was no different. The heli landed, and Ghost dragged his tired body out of it. He trudged his way to the common room, waiting for a few of his teammates. They always had a mission report to do afterward.

It wasn't long before Ghost finished his paperwork, sighing in relief. Finally, he'd be able to shower and go to bed. He made his way to his room, half asleep. He threw his bag on the floor, grabbing some clean clothes. He made his way to the gym. He preferred the gym showers, where there was a bit of privacy.

It was only a short walk across the building to the gym, and since it was so late, everyone was asleep. That was one of the only things he loved about late return times, no one was around, and he could have time to himself. He made his way to the gym showers and quickly got undressed, laying his mask down on the bench for when he got out. He got into the shower, almost immediately feeling a bit of relief. The warm water was soothing on his dirt-caked skin. He let the water fall over his face, washing away the dirt and grime.

His peace was interrupted when he heard the door open. Footsteps gently clicked down the hall, close to Ghost's shower. "Aye, ye' are here. Thought ye'd be." A familiar Scottish accent chirped, a bit too awake for the time of night. Ghost relaxed again, it was just Soap. "Yeah. Wanted a shower." He muttered dryly, washing his hair. The shadow on the curtain let Ghost know soap was still there, sitting on the bench now, it seemed. "Good mission?" Soap simply asked, holding Ghost's mask in his hands, tracing the fabric. He knew Ghost wasn't much of a talker when he got back late, so he kept the conversation simple.

"It was fine. It wasn't too hard. Wish it'd be warmer." Ghost simply answered. It had been cold in the area, and the base there hadn't had the best heat. He smiled softly. The warm water was even better after remembering the cold few nights he'd spent there.

Soap chuckled. "Aye, want some tea?" He teased. Ghost sighed, but he smirked softly. "Maybe I do." He replied. Soap only chuckled. "Damn Brit." He muttered. That's usually how their conversations went at times like these. They only spoke back and forth for another few minutes before Ghost grabbed his towel and dried off. He grabbed his clothes, getting dressed. Soap handed him his mask, taking in his features before they were hidden away again.

"Staring Johnny?" Ghost spoke, sounding amused. Soap smirked too. He just rolled his eyes, brushing it off. They walked back to the rooms silently, other soldiers would be pissed if they woke them up. When they got to Ghost's room, Soap went too. He wanted to make sure Ghost was okay.

Ghost faceplanted right into bed, holding the pillow. He shifted around slightly before he was comfortable. Soap smiled softly. "Comfortable, L.T.?" He asked playfully, though his voice was soft. Ghost hummed some type of response. He was exhausted, practically half asleep the moment he hit the mattress. Soap only chuckled softly. He walked up to Ghost, taking the skull balaclava off of him. "You should really wash this, si." He said, putting it on the table as he lifted the covers and sat down. Ghost pulled him in, holding his waist. "Whatever." He muttered.

Soap smiled softly, reaching over to turn off the light. He laid down against Ghost, wrapping his arms around him comfortably. Ghost's arms gently wrapped around his torso, his skin warm under Soap's shirt. Soap's hands played with Ghost's dirty blonde hair. "G'night, si." He said softly, feeling the bigger man's breath against his stomach. Ghost huffed a few weak words, trying to raise his voice to a normal level over his fatigue. "Good night, Johnny..." 

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