Never Felt So Alone Before

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"I miss them, too. When this is all over and I have my memory taken away from me, tell them that they were the best friends anyone can gave."

"No," Stef said. "I'm not going to tell them."

"Why not?" I asked.

"You're going to tell them yourself."

"Abbate!" Scabior rushed in. "The Ministry is going to check up on Lynx right know. If they find you, it's off with your head."

"But-," Stefan started.

"No! Now!" Scabior snapped.

Stefan looked at me and said, "You're going to get out here with a soul!" I pulled me into a kiss with so much sorrow and passion. When we broke apart, but I didn't want it to, he said, "I love you... I miss you."

"I love you, too..." I whispered back.

Scabior grabbed his wrist and dissaperated him to who knows where... all I know is that this is probably going to be the last kiss I share with him... or maybe my last kiss period. Scabior came back moments later and gave me a weird look and said, "Someone else is going to be in my post outside the door for a while."

"Okay..." I answered.

Scabior PoV

I nodded to Lynx Malfoy and dissaperated out of the cellar. When I was out of the cell, I to remember Lynx's memory that I extracted from her when she was sleeping. Yes, I know, I'm weird, but I had to talk to one of the Undesirables if I wanted Lynx to be safe from that kiss and I bet that they don't have a legit plan that I do. Starting to remember more, I dissaperated into the border of Scotland. I looked around and saw a huge rock covering a big part of land. Using magic, I rolled the rock away and saw a huge hole. Going inside, I was attacked by three people (I was expecting that), Ace, Derek, and Patten.

"Fucking Lynx! I hate her fucking guts! If she survives, I'm going to kick her stupid ass, torture her, and make her die a fucking painful and slow death!" Mckenzie yelled, casting another spell at me.

"Whoa! Calm down! I'm here to help you guys!" I yelled.

"Oh, really?" Ace asked. "Stupefy!"

"Protego! If you would just listen to me! I know how to get Lynx out of that dementor!"

"We don't want to help her," Nathan said, coming out with his wand pointed at me.

"I'm telling the truth!"

"Really? Weasley Premium!"

"What?" W.P. asked, grouchy and mean.

"Bring me the veritaserum!"

"Why do I have to?"

"Because you're the closest one there and we need to make sure that this Snatcher is telling the truth!" Nathan yelled.

W.P. rolled his eyes, used Accio, and threw it to Nathan. "What do you have to say about his now?"

I sighed, snatched the Serum and drunk it. My mind felt like it was being controlled by the Imperius Curse.

"How did you gain the knowledge of knowing where we are hidden?" asked Nathan.

"It was two nights ago," I said, my voice sounding like a human robot. "Lynx had fallen asleep so I went into her cellar and extracted all the memories that Lynx had of the Undesirables... Using the Imperius Curse..."

"Why did you come here?" asked Ace.

"Because I don't want Lynx to be kissed by a Dementor..." I saw Wesley Premium, Ace, and Nathan nod to each other. Patten took off the spell and I felt free as a bee.

Lynx Malfoy (A Harry Potter FanFiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora