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𝗹𝗼𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗮 𝗿𝗼𝗱𝗿𝗶𝗴𝘂𝗲𝘇

The next morning, I was hanging out in the basement with Kairo. I was using the gym, wanting to keep up with my regular exercising while also watching Kairo every now and then, making sure he didn't hurt himself on any of the equipment.

I was finishing up with some yoga poses using my yoga ball which felt so good as I tried out different pregnancy stretches.

"Morning." I said noticing Cross enter the gym too like he did every morning. He didn't reply, still ignoring me after yesterday, and only flashed his brows at me in acknowledgment.

I huffed and put my ball away, getting ready to head back up. I didn't want to be around his negative energy.

"Let's go, bestie." I said ready to pick up Kairo as he raised his arms for me.

"No, Kai." Cross interjected suddenly. "You gotta stop picking him up all the time. He's getting too used to being carried when he got two perfectly fine legs. You not supposed to be carrying nothing heavy either. It ain't good on yo' back." He complained to me.

"He ain't heavy. I can pick him up." I said furrowing my brows.

"I said no."

My eyes rolled as I took Kairo's hand instead and walked us out of the glass door which let out of the gym.

"Mommy," Kairo whimpered, really wanting to be carried as he held his arm up. He didn't behave like this with Cross. He either loved to cling to me or was merely taking advantage of the fact that I couldn't say no to him like Cross could.

"Kai, I'm not your mom. C'mon." Once we were out of sight, I picked him up in my arms and carried him up the stairs.

"Snack?" He asked as we walked past the kitchen.

"No, baby. We gotta shower then you gotta eat breakfast first. You can have a snack later."

He just pouted so I pecked his little lips which immediately turned that frown upside down.

I carried him into Cross and I's bathroom and started running the bathtub so we could shower together. It was easier for me to sit down with him in the tub because it was uncomfortable to bend over trying to wash him over the edge with my bump in the way.

I removed his pajamas and took off my gym clothes before placing him in the tub.

"Where ducks?" Kai wondered, splashing the water. I allowed it to raise to a low level before I cut off the faucet.

"Sorry, Kai. We don't have any rubber ducks here." I chuckled, kneeling in front of him. "Stand up, baby. Can you hand me that washcloth please?" I requested since I couldn't reach.

He grabbed it for me and I started to clean him up with some soap. In doing so, I soon found a small bruise on his side. "What happened, baby?" I said with concern, lifting his arm so I could look closer. It was definitely a bruise.

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