Chapter-10 DRAGON SLAYING (slaughter)

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"Greetings, captain. I am here"

"Ah, .... Thankyou for coming Quaiesse.... hypothetically..... if the next wave of 'Players' race were to appear in our theocracy, what should our action be in your opinion?" the 'captain' spoke with his head still toward the statues of the gods he revered, as though he was waiting for some kind of sign to come, which he clearly knew would never happen.

He pondered the question for a few minutes formulating a response in his mind.

Even though there is a protocol, if such a situation were to arise, but the majority of black scripture is against those procedures.

"Though the normal call for us would be to take care of those irregularities as soon as possible, but that will also cause a lot of damage on our side. buildings can be built again, and people can born again, but the most detrimental damage would be if the blood of any god-kin is spilled in a battle.

In that case, we won't be able to recover our position in the world for a long time, and not just that, our standing would get weakened against the council state. Not to mention, those 'players' might prove beneficial for us and might help us solidify our powers even further, and not to mention, the magic items and equipment that we can get through them if we work more effectively." That was the response of the 5th seat of the black scriptures to the question of his commander, the First seat.

The commander turned around as his hair fluttered in the air. His calm face had told Quaiesse that his answer was more than satisfactory.

"This is the exact situation that we are facing right now. I have not let this information reach the ears of the cardinals, but it won't be long till the information reaches them and they dispatch the black scriptures to put them down for good. And even in black scriptures, Zeshi is a wild card. Based on their strength, she might turn against us to reach her goal" The commander's face contorted a bit as he talked about his comrade.

Even though he respected Zeshi for her immense strength, he couldn't help but disagree with some of her goals and ideals.

But he spoke again, as he corrected his posture, perfectly hiding his previous blunder of showing emotion, "Quaiesse, I have orders for you"

"I will do everything in my power to fulfill your orders" Quaiesse spoke with his head bowed down, showing his subservience to the strength of the first seat.

"the job I am about to give you is something only you can do, so listen well, you will go trace them down and you must -






"you do realize that we are in this situation all because of you, right?" spoke Rimuru while looking directly toward Zegion

"i... I will rectify this as soon as possible.....My lord" even though the body of Zegion of nearly impermeable to everything, but the sharp gaze of his master seemed piercing straight through, to make his heart ache.

"Sigh... let's talk after we are done with this mess..." right now Rimuru is in the adventurer's guild, and both of them were being crowded by a huge mob, which didn't let them move even an inch.

All of these people who were present in the guild came flocking toward Rimuru and Zegion as soon as they entered the guild.

There was a cacophony of noises and it was difficult to discern one from another. Some of them were bringing a pen and paper to have their signatures and some of them were asking them to take them as their apprentices. And the dumbest of the group were those who were asking them to fight them.

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