Branch took a deep breath, as he walked with Poppy, and Viva into Trolls Village.

"So, Viva, how long you staying?" Poppy asked.

"Depends. I was thinking, for a couple of weeks? If that's okay with you?" Viva asked, and Poppy squealed.

"Yes! Of course! We can braid each others hairs, make candy necklace. . ." Poppy names things, before letting out a huge over exagerated gasp, "We can even created our own handshake! And, dance and song!"

Branch rolled his eyes, but at the same time smiled at Poppy. HIs girlfriend was adorable.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" Viva exclaimed, her and Poppy already chattering away, walking arm hooked onto each other. Branch only looked around, with a small smile.

"Branchie!" Poppy called him over, so he walked on over, "Let's get ice-cream!"

"You two go knock yourself out, I'm good." Branch said.

"Are you sure?" Viva asked.

"Yeah, go on." Branch said, and the two girls smiled and ran of to the ice-cream truck. Branch smiled, before resuming his looking around.

He froze, when seeing somebody. . . no. Seeing some people?!

He shook his head, and rubbed his eyes, thinking he was seeing things. Opened them. Nope. Still there.

"Ahh! Bitty B!" They exclaimed, all running over.

Branch's eyes widened when seeing his older brothers, John Dory, Clay, Spruce and Floyd running towards him. Yelping, when he got pulled into a tight hug by JD, then Spruce, then Clay and then Floyd.

Once he got let go of, he stumbled back slightly, shaking his head.

The whole thing with saving Floyd happened nearly a month ago, so he was shocked when seeing his brothers.

"Guys, what are you doing here?" Branch asked, slightly worried, makeing sure none of them were hurt and they all were here.

"What? Not excited to see us?" Clay teased.

"No, I mean. . . you all said you were going your seperate ways." Branch mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck, causing his brothers to frown and look at each other.

"We all talked. After you and Poppy left, and decided to see each other. And, then we talked again yesturday and decided to come and see you and was hoping to stay for a few weeks." JD explained.

Branch didn't know what to say.

"Uh. . . but-but." Branch stuttered.

"Branch!" They heard a squeal. Branch turned around, seeing Poppy laughing while running towards him, hiding behind him when Viva was chasing her.

Poppy hid behind Branch, a hand on eaither side of his arm, spinning him around to hide herself from her sister.

"What's going on?" Branch asked.

"She's attacking me!" Poppy laughed, before licking her ice-cream cone, then offering some to Branch.

"I'm good, thanks." Branch said.

Poppy only shrugged, and turned back to her sister, them both still licking their ice-cream cones, Poppy laughing as Viva had ice-cream all over her face.

"What-- Clay?!" The two girls finally turned around, seeing Bro Zone stood behind Branch, Viva laughing while running to hug Clay, while Poppy smiled brightly and hugged each other, after finishing her ice-cream, then she returned back to Branch, Viva on his other side.

"Why didn't you tell us you're brothers were comeing, Branch?" Viva beat Poppy to the question.

"Uhm, I didn't know, I guess." Branch mumbled, looking back to Poppy, "Sorry Pops, but they just came un-announced, and yeah. . ."

"No! Don't be sorry. There your brothers, they are allowed to visit, just like Viva! Now, you've got to deal with two of us for a few weeks, and we've got to deal with multiple older versions of you!" Poppy said, with a grin.

Branch only chuckled at the way Poppy worded that.

"Why don't you go back to Guy Diamond and the others?" Branch asked, and Poppy nodded with a grin.

"Come on, Viva!" Poppy shouted, while the two girls ran of.

Branch turned back to his brothers.

"You can stay in my Bunker." Branch mumbled.

"We finally get to see the Bunker?" Floyd laughed, and the boys followed their little brother, some trolls stopped and stared, some already crushing on the small group.

"Sure get alot of attention here." Spruce said, winking at a girl.

"Dude, you've got a wife." Clay said.

"Yeah, well. . ." Spruce shrugged, and Clay only rolled his eyes, "You've got a girlfriend."

"What? No, I don't!" Clay argued, causing them all to laugh other than Branch.

"You're Bunkers way out here?" JD asked, "Do you even like people?"

"I never used to. Used to just hide away." Branch shrugged, before they stepped onto some shaft what started going down, they all jumped minus Branch at fist, before they slowly relaxed when it reached the bottom.

"You all can pick a room, other then mine, what over in the corner." Branch said, while his brothers rushed of to explore causing him to shrug and sit down on his couch.

"You're Bunkers so cool, Branch!" Spruce exclaimed, while they all started comeing back together after some exploring.

"Yeah." Floyd agreed.

"Thanks Guys." Branch answered, before they heard some light humming. All turning towards the lift, seeing Poppy just hope of, with Viva both grinning from ear to ear.

"One for you, you, you, you, and you!" Poppy said, handing some card to all of them. Once handing Branch one, she kissed him.

"What's this?" Floyd asked.

"It's a Party! We haven't had one in a while." Poppy said.

"Uh, Poppy, I don't know. . ." Branch mumbled.

"Come on little bro, it seems fun!" JD answered, and Branch just looked down at the invitation.

"Come on Branch!" Poppy said, and Branch looked up to meet her eyes, "Look, I know you're still kinda not used to this. . . partying style? But, please? You don't even have to come early or stay late. You can just come for about an hour or two."

Branch still seemed hesitant.

"Okay, I guess. . ." Branch sighed, after he was givin the puppy dog eyes.

"Hey Bitty B, why don't you like parties?" Clay asked this time.

"Just never been my thing." Branch shrugged.

"Never say never!" Poppy sang softly, before reaching up to capture Branch's lips.

"Hey, when is it?" JD asked.

"Tonight." Poppy shrugged.

"Tonight?! Can you even plan a party in what? Less than 2 hours?" Floyd asked.

"Never underestemate Poppy's party planning skills." Branch said, with a smirk, "See you."

"Bye!" Poppy shouted, running back to the elevator with Viva.

"Do you really think she can plan a party in less than 2 hours?" JD whispered.

"Of course, she's planned one in 30 minutes before for her best friend. Dj Suki." Branch said, shrugging, "Might wanna start getting ready."

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