9: Don't blame me

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'I like you best when you're with me and no one else.'


-Main Character-

Jake has been quiet since the moment I asked him not to touch me. He drives with eyes fixated on the road ahead. The air is thick inside the car, the interior light is set on the dim mode. I sigh heavily, looking outside the window but only darkness spreads. Looking back in, my eyes dropped to Jake's hand changing the gear. He grips it hard, shifting it with two sharp movements.

It's hard to tell what he is angry about- the fact that the room didn't have his files or that I told him to keep his hands off me. I don't know what took over me then. In our fucked up world, it was the perfect romantic moment: dark room, just us, the light of computer screen flashing on our faces, no feelings just desire. But something was missing. His touch didn't make me feel like it did many times before.

There was no fire in him which he wanted to blow out by touching me, only to result in more fierce desire. No, it wasn't like that in that room. It was like something else was burning inside him and he only needed to touch me to distract himself. The two times I've kissed him, I felt wanted. If I had let him kiss me there, I know I would have felt used.

I shake my head. I shouldn't care about how it made him feel because he clearly didn't care much either. Just sulking around like I did something wrong.

I lean back in my seat. I want to take off my heels but if I bend, I'm afraid the zipper will come down. I glance at Jake's annoyed and hard expressions. Right. Definitely not going to ask for his help.

I sensed the tension between us the moment we left the computer room. So I decided to sit in the backseat. But before I could have opened it, Jake locked it. Then, he said, "I'm not your driver. Sit in the front."

Bored, I turn on the phone. Opening the texting app, I see Jake's name on the top with my most recent message: I'm starving. Right, he'd ask me if I wanted to eat something but didn't get me anything. Why did he even ask?

I watch outside the window as we approach a diner in red lighting. All the hunger encourages me to break the silence. "Can we stop by?" I ask him without looking at him.

Jake slow downs the car without a word. The car then finally comes to a halt in front of the diner. Before I can process any of it or even straighten my back, Jake is out of the car. I control the urge to roll my eyes at his dramatic behaviour. I leave the car and follow him as he spares no glance behind. I don't rush with my steps though, I don't want to fall. My feet are sore as it is.

Once I enter the diner, I find Jake already sitting in the left corner, his fingers are busy on the phone. I approach the middle aged lady behind the counter looking around. There is nobody here but us. As I place my hands on the counter, the lady- with a slightly bent back and wrinkled face- gives me a warm smile. I return the smile.

Her eyes dart to the left corner, eyeing Jake. "Are you with that gentleman?" She asks.

I scoff. "Gentlemen don't leave the women behind and sit themselves first." I answer her question.

She gives me a laugh and my smile widens hearing it. "What can I offer you? I have to warn you though," she says as she picks up a menu from a space I can't see from my spot, "there are a few options left at this hour."

I wave her off as I take the menu from her. "Don't worry. I'm too hungry to care what I am eating." I scan the menu quickly. "Let's see, uhm how about two burgers, fries, two garlic breads and what's available for drink?"

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