The Truth Hurts Sometimes

Start from the beginning

"When I was younger of course." He says and I look to the ground.

"I always thought to myself, Violet is like a superhero, just like Clementine, another person I could look up to, you know?" He asked and I look to him and I think a bit.

"Did you have a hero?" He asked and I think a little.

"I guess my grandfather... but he would be disappointed in me." I tell him.

"I don't think he would be, but that's my opinion." He says and I look to AJ and I chuckled.

"If he was still alive, I think he would have loved to meet you." I tell AJ and he looked to me.

"He would?" He asked and I nod.

"Oh yeah, I mean he loved me, why wouldn't he love my family?" I asked and he thinks and I chuckled.

"Ok, you're right." He says and I smile at him and I pat his head and looked to the ground again.

"I'm going to go check on Clementine." He says and I nod.

"Yeah, um... I need to think." I say quietly as he leaves and I look to the wall a bit and I get up and start walking the boarder of the wall again. I checked around for any other issues with the wall and found a few more and I rubbed my head and then I head back to the house and grabbed my notebook.

"Whatcha writing?" I hear and I look to see Clementine and Minerva.

"Oh uh... AJ is looking for you." I tell her.

"I know, we talked, so.... What are you doing?" Clem asked.

"Oh uh, I need to find out how much concreate we need to get to patch up the walls, now that I think about it, we need to get some stuff for the garden, The shed, some part for the vehicles, especially for the Humvee, I need to go to the old base for that oh an-."

"Woah hold on there, who's going with you? When are you doing this? And how?" Minerva asked and I look to the both of them.

"Well, I'm going to go by myself." I tell them.

"No, you aren't." Clem tells me and I look to her.


"I'll go with you; you just can't go on your own right now." Minerva says and I groaned.

"I'm fine I swear, I can do this myself." I tell them.

"Just humor us." Minerva says and I sighed.

"Fine, fine we can go, tomorrow, in the truck, more room and I have straps for the back so nothing falls out." I tell them.

"Alright." Minerva says and I nod as I write everything down that we would need.

"Also need to know if anyone needs anything while we are gone." I mutter and look to them.

"Alright we can do that while you finish up the list." Clem says and I nod as Minerva and her leave the room and I keep writing what we need. It wasn't long till Minerva came back in the house and handed me a list.

"Seeds, garden barriers, mulch if we can find any, lamps as well." I say and nod as I set the list in my booklet.

"Oh, also Aasim Junior and Delilah wanted to know if we could get them some toys and books so they could read too." Minerva says and I nod.

"Sure, I'll add it to the list." I tell her as I added it in the book and think some more.

"Could get some wood after the trip as well, got to make a few trips probably, I mean if you're ok with that." I say and look to her.

The Walking Dead Eye For An Eye: TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now