Chapter 127: Hidden Sincerity (1)

Start from the beginning

There is no better specialist to consult other than Leona at the moment, but it is doubtful whether she will help. There may be unnecessary suspicions involved instead.

How can I receive help from her? If I ask for advice, would she give it? While reading a book, I pondered deeply.

"Cutie. What are you reading?"


As I sat quietly, reading a book, someone called me in a friendly voice. It was a woman's voice, husky yet lively, just as I had anticipated.

As expected, it was Adelia, who had just finished her sparring practice. She looked at me with her sky-blue eyes sparkling, carrying a training wooden sword on her shoulder.

Slightly taken aback by the strong scent emanating from her sweat, I closed the book and replied quietly.

"I was just reading. Are you finished with the sparring?"

"I'm done. It's only Nicole left now. Phew."

Adelia exhaled heavily and plopped her bottom next to me. We sat so close that our arms were pressed together, but neither of us minded.

Besides her confident personality, Adelia gave off a feeling of being like a caring older sister, just like Nicole. If Nicole possessed calmness and strictness, Adelia could be described as a mischievous and innocent older sister.

Anyway, considering the way she visited our mansion during the exhibition without any hesitation, and judging by her relationship with Nicole, she was almost like family. A pitiful person seeking affection due to being abandoned by her real family.

Thinking that her energetic personality might be a mask to cover her own wounds made me feel even more sympathetic.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Is it because I'm pretty?"

"... ..."

I take back what I just said. I shook my head playfully, my clothes fluttering as I acted like a mischievous child, making Adelia chuckle and nod in amusement.

"You're beautiful, but saying things like that ruins it for me."

"Really? Am I pretty?"

"If you have a conscience, look in the mirror and say those words."

"Why do you always choose such pretty words?"

Adelia pinched my cheek lightly and spoke with delight. If she hadn't been sweating, she would have probably hugged me tightly or rubbed her face against mine.

Her unique and intense affectionate gestures had lost their charm for me. It wasn't just me, she treated Nicole the same way, so I didn't consider it anything special.

"Okay. Today, I'll give you the privilege of going on a date with me. How about that? Isn't it amazing?"

"You know I have a girlfriend, too."

"Oh, come on, just once. I'll treat you well."

"Don't mess around with me."

Sometimes she would jokingly ask me out on a date, which would leave me in an awkward situation. She knew that I was dating Marie, so she usually suggested it playfully.

Adelia had a mischievous nature and acted younger than her age, so sometimes it was difficult to tell if she was being sincere or not. However, judging by her tone and expression, it seemed like a joke, so I could respond with a wry smile.

"Is it because of your girlfriend? Don't worry. If she finds out, I'll confidently say that I'm going to be a mistress."

"Why are you suddenly talking about that? I haven't even gotten married yet."

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