Chapter 79: Requilis (3)

Start from the beginning

As I stood up, I realized that his height was similar to that of Sebastian. I had wondered where Marie got her height from, but it seemed to be genetic. Putting aside such pointless thoughts, I stuttered an apology to him.

"Oh, no. It's my fault for not noticing even though the Duke has arrived."

"Well, I'll take that as an apology. It's quite impressive that a young friend like you has such concentration."

It might have sounded like a compliment to others, but it sounded like an insult to my ears. He called me an arrogant brat who only focuses on his own affairs even though the head of the family has arrived. It was truly a dizzying moment.

First impressions often last, but I had already messed up my first impression. I chastised myself inwardly and apologized once again.

"I'm sorry. It was my fault."

"Hahaha. You don't have to be so apologetic. I wasn't teasing you, it was a compliment."

The Duke of Requilis laughed heartily and then offered his hand to me, which was covered with white gloves. Just as my eyes were drawn to his gloved hand, the Duke of Requilis finally spoke again, his tone softer than before.

"Nice to meet you. You probably already know, but I am Dimitry Hausen Requilis, the Duke of Requilis and the owner of this estate. I am also Marie's father. Welcome to our mansion."

"Nice to meet you too. My name is Isaac Ducker Michelle, the second son of the Michelle family."

"Hmm, the Michelle family..."

As I politely shook hands and introduced myself, the Duke of Requilis, Dimitry, looked at me closely. With my rare red hair, he may have been reminded of my father, Hawk.

"Is your father's name Hawk by any chance?"

"Yes, that's correct."

"How interesting."

I wasn't sure what was so interesting, but Dimitry chuckled while giving my hand a firm grip, possibly trying to exert subtle pressure.

As I suppressed a smile inwardly, Dimitry released his grip and we let go of each other's hands. As I shook my hand and repeatedly clenched it, I realized that my basic grip strength was nothing to scoff at, despite being a liberal arts major like him. Although adults are generally stronger, it still hurt a little.

"You may wonder why I came to the guest room in person. Actually, my wife is using the reception room right now, and the other room is under renovation, so it is not available for use."

"Ah, I see."

"For now, please take a seat. It seems like you haven't touched any snacks while engrossed in reading."

Indeed, there were various snacks placed on the table in front of me, ranging from square-shaped biscuits to tea that still had steam rising from it.

It seemed like a maid had briefly come in while I was focused on reading. I let out another awkward laugh and tensed up inwardly.

Every word that Dimitry spoke felt like a dagger piercing my heart. It was already nerve-wracking enough to meet my girlfriend's father, let alone this.

"Sebastian, please wait outside until I call you. And Marie, sit next to me."

"Understood. Please call me if you need anything."

Following Dimitry's orders, Sebastian bowed and left the room, while Marie silently moved to sit next to me.

Glancing at her, I noticed that she had a sour expression on her face, probably because of my earlier behavior.

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