Soon jealousy broke out – not only among the three gods who wanted to destroy my people. The supreme god had also taken a liking to the Deva and wanted to make them his own, to boast about them. So he spread the rumor that they were his creation, his beloved people. He granted everyone in his life exactly one wish, which he fulfilled for them.

I didn't object, because I wasn't interested. I loved you as you are. But this fueled the hatred even more, so that these three gods made three members of my people carriers of a divine power. But by their very nature, they didn't use them, they made sure that the keys were hidden.

Finally, when the carrier of time was opened against his will, chaos broke out. My people were slaughtered and I hid you, shut up your abilities so that you would remain unrecognized among men. That's how I hid the survivors. The supreme deity wanted to know their whereabouts from me, but I refused to reveal them. As punishment, I was banished to this prison. To this day, I have waited for the arrival of the new carriers.

Aleks and Hope looked sadly at the god, then they saw the long metal chain around his body, which was anchored deep in the ground. So that's how it was.

"What about the third key?" asked Hope.

I hid it with me, but I was attacked. The warriors took it, not knowing what it was.

Aleks gasped. "What warriors? Where have they gone?" he asked, even though he thought he already knew the answer.

Before the god could answer, Hope spoke: "The fallen star illuminates the darkness, awakens from sleep. But it is only when it touches a piece of the sky that it opens his eyes. The time is near. The key is in heaven, isn't it? It was angels who took him away."

The god nodded. The key is camouflaged, cannot be found by anyone, unless it belongs to my people or that of the goddess Metis.

Metis? "So we have to go to heaven to find it?" Aleks asked. Degei nodded. Damn.

"How are we going to do this?" Aleks asked desperately.

My son, there will soon be an opportunity. Once empathy is born, the heavens will open and you can get there.

Hope and Aleks looked at him wide-eyed. "So this heaven will open after the birth of Aleks' son?" Hope asked.


"God Degei, is there a way to avert the prophecy? What if, for example, one of the carriers... dies." Aleks bit his lips, but he had to ask.

The death of a carrier would then automatically unleash their power and the end would take its course. You are all awakened now, the power is flourishing.

That wasn't good.

Take this, it will help you in your endeavor.

A box appeared in front of them, which Hope took and opened. Two amulets were revealed, which were identical to Aleks'.

"My amulet?" Aleks asked, astonished.

These are divine key containers, still unwritten. They can become the key to knowledge.

Both took the amulets and hung them around their necks, now Aleks wore two. The two thanked him.

It's time for you to go. Well done, my sons.

Hope felt a sharp pull and he was swept away from Aleks. In a vortex, he was carried upwards until he appeared panting on the surface of the water. Coughing, he dragged himself out of the water and lay down next to the pond. Aleks hadn't come along.

Aleks saw Hope being pulled away, but he himself remained untouched. "Why did you send him away and not me?" Aleks asked the god.

Because I have something else to tell you that he must not know, my son.

"Do you want me to free you?" Aleks asked, looking at the chain. But then why did he send Hope away, can't we just do this together?

No, my son. It is of no use if you set me free, because my life is already coming to an end. I will soon have used up my strength and then my protection for you will fade. You are the last members of my people and I can no longer protect you. Now you have to do that on your own. But you have strong partners at your side.

Grief rose in Aleks. He stood up and put his hand to the god's head. "Then what do you want to tell me?" he asked in a sad voice.

Aleksander, I'm going to give you something that is forbidden. No mortal is allowed to have it, it's a big taboo, but it's my legacy.

The snake began to glow, and a large diamond appeared in Aleks' right hand, which began to glow and sank into the palm of his hand. Then Degei began to glow and slowly dissolve starting from the tail.

"What's that?" asked Aleks, dismayed.

It will reveal itself to you when you need it most. Preserve your pure heart, my son, it will lead you to the future you desire. I'm proud of you.

Degei had already disappeared by a quarter when the two fish and the eel came swimming up and nestled against Degei's face. We will always stay with you, until the end. After all, you saved us, Father.

At that moment, Aleks knew who these three creatures were. They were the original three carriers that Degei had protected. Together with their Creator, they were now heading towards the end.

A stream seized Aleks and he was pulled upwards, away from the god who was facing his end.

Aleksander - a fateful decision (Vol.5) Final book ✅️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora