Chapter 24: Human (3)

Start from the beginning

"Of course, it wasn't easy in the beginning. Because they didn't learn anything. But humans did not give up and started to imitate the strengths of other races. From then on, 'knowledge' was accumulated, but naturally, they were still lacking. In the end, imitation is just imitation."

"That's right." Cecily nodded and agreed with me. In fact, humans have a population of over 1.5 billion in this world, but among them, there are only a few who can fight evenly against the other races.

No matter how much humans progress, unless they are geniuses, their innate limitations are obvious. If an ordinary elf warrior were compared to a human, there's too much of an imbalance between the two since an elf is equivalent to a knight-level force.

"I think this is the reason why our breeding ability is superior to other races. In the early days, we had to compete with quantity rather than quality to survive, so we increased our numbers recklessly. In the eyes of the other races, they would have thought it was a simple and useless act. Beastmen have good physical abilities, but humans aren't that great, right?"

"Um...speaking of which, don't beastmen have good reproductive abilities? During the Tribal War, beastmen were slaughtered by humans, but there must have been plenty of beastmen around before, right?"

"That's when human learning really comes into play. Historically, it was the elves who first established a real civilization, but humans were the next to establish one. Based on the knowledge and abilities they learned from the elves, they built their own civilization and gathered their scattered people together to amass their strength. A tribe that lives a tribal life and a tribe that created civilization and society. Isn't there already a difference?"

"I see. The beastmen founded their own country only 300 years ago, didn't they?"

As mentioned before, the beastmen founded their country only 300 years ago. It is said that during the Tribal War, many of their people were slaughtered by humans, and they felt a sense of crisis. However, unlike human beings who were strong from the start, their society was still very unstable because it was established in a hurry. Even among the beastmen, there are various ethnic groups, and a barbaric climate is stubbornly maintained.

"Yes. Anyway, in conclusion, humans were stupid enough not to give in and just die. Knowing their own weaknesses, if they were 'smart' from the beginning, they would have given up long ago, right? There were nations and peoples around us who were better than us, and humans naturally would have been desperate and discouraged."

"It's paradoxical. Not dying out quickly because they're stupid?"

"No. Like I've already said, being the stupid and reckless race that we are, humans chose to compete even though they had few advantages."

" mean grit?"

Cecily finally got the point right. Although I explained it at length, the biggest reason why human beings have survived to the present day and have been able to take the lead in the world is their 'spirit' to never give up.

Humans are the race that made it possible by delving into what everyone thought was impossible. The race that fought to the end during the war against the Great Devil 3,000 years ago was also human. Nothing else but human grit made human civilization possible, which could be seen as a kind of racial 'ability.'

However, there was one more decisive reason why humans have been able to take the lead in the current world.

"What I've said is all true, but humans are also much more united than other races. Normally, they are busy fighting among themselves, but when a real crisis comes, they come together and defeat it."

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