Chapter 8. This will get us killed

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23 September 2021

The sun creeps through the curtains, I need to squint my eyes to block out some of the light. Waking up has been the worst idea of the day so far, a shrieking headache is a prominent factor of it. The headache is no surprise, everybody present yesterday probably has it.

Once I'm kind off used to the light, I try to lie on my side. Underline try, because I'm not able to move. A certain blonde defender is resting on me like I'm her pillow.

"Ana, wake up." I whisper, gently shaking her. She starts to stir but doesn't fully wake up.

The events from last night start flooding back, I can feel my cheeks turning warm slightly. Kissing Ana in the bathroom was still manageable, but ending up together in my bed which is in the same house Mapi is living, is nowhere near manageable. Mapi will kill us if she sees us together in here.

I hear a groan from beneath me and see Ana finally opening her eyes. "Ugh, my head. What happened last night?" She groans rubbing her head.

I chuckle nervously. "Well, a lot, but I think we need to address the more immediate issue at hand. You're crushing me."

She lifts her head and looks around my room, realization dawning on her face. She looks like she has seen a ghost. "Looks like we had quite the night." I comment with a smirk, looking between the two of us.

She is only now realizing that it's weird we are in this bed together, only wearing our underwear. "You don't think we did..." She doesn't finish her sentence but only point her fingers between us.

"We didn't had sex last night Ana, no need to worry." I put my arm around her. "We did talk about it though, but decided we couldn't do it while being drunk."

She visibly starts to relax again. "I'm glad we thought about that and didn't continued it."

"What?! You don't want to have sex with me, Ana-Maria Crnogorčević?" I ask sounding offended. Meanwhile I try to tease her by getting really close to kiss her. "I for a fact, really enjoyed kissing you..." I touch her bottom lip with my finger.

"I-I did too, but you know with Mapi and all." She stammers nervously.

"I'm just messing with you, come here." I say taking her in an embrace, seeing a smile form at her face again. "Speaking off Mapi, you need to leave. No offence." I put up my arms in defence.

She chuckles. "None taken, as long as you keep letting me do this..." She takes my head in her hands and kisses me tenderly.

After our surprising start of the morning, Ana successfully left without being seen by Mapi. Her and Ale also have a headache from the night before, so we decided today we won't do anything. Just sit and chill.

29 September 2021

During the training hours Ana and I try our best to sneak in some one-on-one time with each other, it's giving us a thrill we didn't know we needed.

Today is our match against Villareal. Jonathan called me in for a meeting yesterday, to inform me that I will captain todays match. Witch is insanity. I don't think I capable of being a captain, let alone of my Barca teammates. But my first responders, Ale and Mapi, were both over the moon for me and made sure I started to believe in myself more.

It's not like I will take over the captaincy from Alexia but Jonathan just wants to see how I'm playing as a captain. His exact words were; 'I want to see if being the captain changes your playing-style and if the pressure infects your outbursts. Because now you will be the one responsible to calm down the chaos.'

The change of player wearing the armband didn't go unnoticed by the fans, friends and the media. Keira was one of the first to reach out.

Keira: [09:10]
Our star player getting the chance to captain the team🤩

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