Chapter 4: Armed Intervention

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Bronya and Kiana are exploring the night market after she get out as they talked about how this stage is too realistic, not even knowing that Y/n's arrival has changed reality and simulations.

Kiana: So about that lady Kallen, I wish I knew more about her.

Bronya: You mean Kallen Kaslana?

She was holding an apple until she was surprised and suddenly lost her grip on the apple she's holding.

Kiana: She's a Kaslana as well?!

Bronya: Da. Bronya expected you to know her since she's your ancestor. Here is the information about Kallen Kaslana. It was in the history exam before... 'And you expectedly failed there.'

When Kiana saw the info, she was shocked and she read the final parts of the bio page of Kallen.

Kiana: During the trial, Kallen declared: "The Herrscher girl is innocent and I was in love with her!" Those who witnessed the trial believed she had gone insane.

Bronya: The trial council sentenced Kallen to death by hanging and that was her fate.

This concept made Kiana clench her fists in anger and frustration. It reminds her of the HoT persona inside Mei that she had battled before. Even if she has a Herrscher inside her, she loves her and will do anything to make the persona inside her stop from taking over Mei.

Kiana: Executed for falling in love with a Herrscher? But Herrschers are humans, too. They may be misled by the Honkai, but that doesn't make them monsters! Loving a Herrscher is definitely not a sin! Especially Mei!

So what is she gonna do about this? The answer is really simple when she had a brain of a straightforward tuna.

Bronya: Save her?! *whacks her umbrella in the air* The Bronya must remind subject Kiana that this is a data-generated VR world. The real Kallen is already dead 538 years.

Kiana: But you know that these people are wrong! We must rescue her or something! Bronya, tell me the time and location of the execution! I don't care if this is VR or not! I will not stand idle and watch her die like this!

Bronya still looks at her with her eyes deadpanned and stops whacking her umbrella in the air..

Bronya: Da. The Bronya shall initiate careful planning. We don't have any weapons or equipment in this VR setting.

Y/n: Perhaps we can help you with that!

Kiana and Bronya looked behind to see Y/n with Ruido and Marlene behind her.

Kiana: Y/n! Will you really help me?!

Y/n: Yep and this time we're not alone.

Ruido: We've heard about what you're planning and I've got to say you're just like my wife here, Marlene.

Marlene: Oh, Ruido. You flatter me. But anyways, *looks at Bronya* You're Bronya, right?

Bronya: Da.

Marlene: And you're Kiana, the current member of the Kaslana bloodline?

Kiana: Um, yes.

Marlene: Come with us, we're gonna plan this out, together.

But, unknown to everyone, somebody else will get in the action too.

???: Is it all set?

???: All is ready, Master Otto.

The figure named Otto is smiling and muttering.

Otto: Do not worry, beloved Kallen. I will not let you die.

*opening season 1 plays*

The day of execution

Honkai Impact 00 (Gundam Book 2: Simulated Universe story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon