18 - p. 304

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I stand in this parking lot, realizing that I've never been this far from home, and here is this girl I love and cannot follow. I hope this is the hero's errand, because not following her is the hardest thing I've ever done.

→ This quote is set at the very end of the book, when Margo and Q saying goodbye to each other after walking back to Agloe after their nap in the park. Quentin cannot believe that she's staying behind while they are all set to drive home again.

→ Another very poetic quote I find, which I managed to overlook the first time reading the book. I love that Quentin is proactive and does what scares him, in this case leaving Margo behind. In the beginning of the book he is very passive and follows a clear path that is paved before him without thinking too much about what he wants. Over the course of the book, and with the adventure of finding Margo, he has overcome this perspective of life being something that happens to you. Instead he goes after what he wants. He doesn't simply stay with Margo, he goes back home and leaves her behind, even though it's the hardest thing to do for him. 

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