Chapter 10: Joining Civilian Stuff

Start from the beginning

Kai's mind continued to churn. "But what language did he use?" An underlying concern surfaced as she acknowledged her proficiency in Spanish, English, and Filipino, leaving the door open for uncertainty.

She expressed a silent prayer that Roselle might have left a clue in English, the language she understood best.

A doubt lingered; could the senior be a beyonder, given his ability to create groundbreaking inventions in this era?

There's a high possibility," Kai speculated

With a glance at the screen, Kai acknowledged the limitations of her system. It could answer questions but was ill-equipped to translate languages. Fueled by this realization, she had taken it upon herself to study various languages, an endeavor to bridge the gap left by her lack of memories from the past.


The weight of the morning's revelations lingered in the air like a heavy fog as Kai approached Arianna's door. The wood felt cool under her fingertips as she raised her hand to knock, and a sigh, laden with the complexities of the day's events, escaped her lips.

Thoughts of decisions yet to be made danced in her mind like elusive ghosts.As Kai raised her hand to knock, a quiet mumble escaped her lips, a self-assured declaration, "Since joining the Nighthawks civilian stuff, I can collect some information regarding Emperor Roselle, and maybe I can also find other transmigrators other than Senior Roselle." The prospect of uncovering the secrets concealed in the folds of this world fueled her determination, adding an undercurrent of excitement to her nervousness.

Having meticulously weighed the pros and cons of joining the civilian faction, Kai steeled herself for what lay ahead. She took a deep breath, whispering to herself, "Here goes nothing."

She raised her hand and knocked softly three times, waiting for Arianna's reply.

A serene voice from inside invited her in, "Come in."

As she opened the door, a familiar scene greeted her—the room filled with paperwork and books, and Arianna engrossed in her work.

The irony of an angel immersed in paperwork didn't escape Kai. A subtle smile played on her lips as she pondered the celestial being grappling with the mundane intricacies of paperworks. "Do angels work on paperwork? I guess even Miss Arianna can't escape paperwork," Kai thought, a mix of amusement and nervousness coloring her perception of the angel before her.

She observed Arianna diligently working, questioning the incongruity of an angel involving herself in the intricacies of the mundane. The dichotomy of the celestial and the earthly created a subtle tension within Kai.

Kai mumbled to herself, "An angel just in front of him, helping him?!" She also learned about the positions one could have in the Nighthawks during the study session.

Even though she had already learned the basics about Nighthawks and Red Gloves, she discovered that being an angel meant there was a chance that Arianna could become the Pope of the Church of the Evernight Goddess?! And not only that, she also learned that Arianna was the Chief of the Thirteen Archbishops, the system had mentioned earlier in the day, unveiling another layer of Arianna's role.

Kai, standing and looking at Arianna with a little nervousness, was an understatement. Kai thought, "The big boss is helping me, and what an angel too!" She sighed, "I'm not even a beyonder yet, and here we are, a god taking an interest in me, and an angel also helping me." Kai sighed in defeat.

Arianna, sensing Kai's presence, stopped her paperwork and looked at Kai. The calmness in her voice resonated with a wisdom that surpassed mortal understanding. "What brings you here?" she inquired, her eyes reflecting a depth of knowledge.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2023 ⏰

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