What Are Little Girls Made Of?

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Eva and Gwen sit on a rock as greenett was in a black two piece suit looking at her friend in worry. The red head looked down holding her legs with her arms. In the distance Kevin touched the rock turning his body telling Ben with a smile, "Let's settle this Tennyson!"

In the distance she turned to see him as Brain storm and laughed at him speaking to them, "My dear Kevin. Your not to gladiatorial conicity, once again out parsed. My satiny porosities."

"I don't know what you just said. But, Cannon ball." Kevin says sending a wave of water at the two girl as Gwen makes a shield.

The rest of the water is sent towards Ben as he opens his head sending the electracy at the wave of water zapping it. Kevin resurfaces spitting the water out and smiles only to drop. Ben asks him, "Ow, trying to short spirket me out, hm? Before you ever cause such a voluntary conative discharge. My elector intellection electric storm will vaporize you. To wit."

Just for Ben to  zap Kevin sending him out of the water flying next to Gwen and Eva. The greenett looks at him and laugh, "Lost again?"

He looked up at her glaring telling him, "Shut it."

 Gwen didn't move as Ben came to them and spoke, "As a coder and at the risk gilding the lily I summits." 

The Tennyson boy transformed back from brain storm telling Kevin, "And I wasn't even thinking hard."

"Ok, you got me that time. Live and learn  right Gwen?" He laughs at Ben. 

Eva just shook her head at him tell him not to. He looks at her confused as Ben whispers to him, "She misses Grandpa."

"She was fine in the car." He whispers back as the other girl get up.

He sighs telling him, "It's my fault. I thought bringing her here would cheer her up."

She joins the two grabbing Ben's hand telling them, "I think that was sweet Ben."

"Ya, Benny." Kevin teases them with a look.

Causing Ben and Eva to glare at the older boy with really looks ,making him look away saying, "Tuff crowed..."

"This is grandpa Max's favorite fishing spot. He use to come her all the time. When he wasn't traveling." She finally spoke looking at the three of them.

Kevin turned to her asking, "When he was away on Plummer businesses."

"We didn't know back then. When I was five he brought me here and I brought a tinni tiny. He wanted me to realise it. But I put a big fuss. It was my fish you know. But grandpa had finally convinced me to come back when it was bigger." She told them her memory and thew the stone she was hold into the water. 

She stands and says, "I guess, I never had a good time letting go."

Ben looked at his cousin sadly before  Eva turned her head seeing something move and called to the other, "Hey! Look over there."

Seeing a women in a cloak walking over to the tree. Ben said quietly, "For a secret place. It gets a lot of traffic."

The figure places a flower under the tree. Gwen asked them, "Did you ever see a flower like that, Ben? Eva?"

"HEY! YOU IN THE CLOAK!" Kevin screamed startling the other three.

The Four jump down from the rock running towards the figure. She laughed going behind the tree in a flash she disappeared as they ran were she had been. They all looked for her left confused. 

"That women just disappeared." Ben said as they all searched around the tree the women had just been.

Kevin suggested to them, "Teleporter, maybe."

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