Then..., what else can I do if something like this happens other than calling the police?

  But this was the first time the police had been dispatched during the poisonous fog.

  The staff at this end just called the police. Ten minutes later, the police at the other end brought a group of people to Building 12. Looking at the man and woman on the ground, the police officers could not help but frown. , because it’s really ugly...

  "Did you find it when you came here in the morning? Do you know the identities of these two people?" The

  community staff replied: "Yes, we found it when we came here in the morning. The reason is that this building The residents of the building heard a loud bang in the middle of the night, which woke them up. Everyone was awake at that time, and they chatted in the group all night because the incident happened outside at night

  . I couldn't see the road clearly. After the person on duty made a note, we came over to take a look in the morning. As soon as we discovered this situation, we immediately contacted you, but I know these two people. The man is on the 7th floor

  . Resident of 701, the woman is a resident of 1404 on the 14th floor. Neither of them lives alone, they each have families. After the earthquake, we were notified to come to register. I was the one who registered twice, so I remember it clearly." Civil·Police

  · After nodding, he carefully observed the man and woman on the ground. He asked the community staff: "Besides these, do you know any other information?" The staff said: "We are not here at night,

  some The information was all learned in the group, I'm afraid the residents haven't understood it clearly yet."

  After looking at the direction of the door, the policeman said: "Let's go in and take a look first, 701 and 1404, right? Show us a way."

  The staff did not refuse, and the group entered the 12th building.

  After several people first sucked away the poisonous mist on their bodies through two layers of curtains, they took the elevator and pressed the button for the 7th floor. At this time, the community staff explained dryly: "There was someone in our group last night. We were wondering if someone jumped from the building. Our corridor was sealed, so everyone wondered if they jumped from their own windows. So after discovering these two people, we quickly checked the corridor. There was no poison from the top floor to the first floor. Traces of fog."

  "Didn't you send someone to guard the door?"

  The community worker replied: "No, everyone doesn't have protective clothing and can't get out, so there is no guard."

  Naturally, he didn't know. How come these two people are here? After all, if Tiag comes down, the cracks in the house are not sealed. There should be poisonous fog in the corridor, but there is no poisonous fog in the corridor at all. She is the only one. I also feel very strange.

  The civilian police comrade nodded, and the group appeared at the door of 701.

  The staff member knocked on the door first and said, "I'm from 701. I'm from the community. Please open the door."

  In 701, a middle-aged woman heard the noise outside the door. She quickly asked: "Community, is there poisonous mist in the corridor? Can I open this door?" "Yes, there is no poisonous mist in the

  corridor. Just now Other staff have already checked. Please open the door. We want to ask you for some information." The

  middle-aged woman was a little confused, but she didn't refute. "Oh, wait a minute. My clothes are blocked in the gap. Wait for me to get them. Open."

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