Chapter 1(Corto found mantas secret diare)

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Corto was taking a small walk throu the  iced forest exploring for her next race against the twin tao team.

As Corto was walking around togheter whit Oro filling bored she saw Manta writing something in a small notebook.

She decided to pull a little prank on him as she grabed some snow and trowed it at manta hiting him directly in the face, as Corto started laughing togheter whit Oro.

"Hey what the!? Who was that!?" Manta shouted angry as he got up looking around till he say corto.

He fastly hided the notebook and grabed some snow trowing it at corto hiting her back in the face.

Corto stoped laughing and she brushed off the snow from her face.

"What are you doing here Corto?" He asked her as he walked twords her.

"Nothing really just looking around for my next race." She responded.

"Oh the one against team Tao. I saw it in the morning." He responded as the two of them started walking back twords the city.

"Oh and Corto dont forget about the fact  that you have to do my chores for 3 weeks. We agreed wen i gived you my old suit from Polaris yesterday." Manta remembered her chukly.

"What i completly forgot about it... Cant we forget about the deal?" She asked him whit a small smirk as the two walked.

"Corto..." Manta told her chukling.

"Ok fine...After the training i will came over to do the chores." She responded chukling.

"Great then." He responded blushing lightly as he looked at her but hided it guickly.


This is part 1, sorry for any grammar mistakes but its really late for me and i need to sleep.

Also credit to *Baleine_Kiddo* she gived me the idea and shes also one of the first people that read my other story so shout out to her! And also please go read her storyabout droners its really cool and i really like it!

Have a good day/night!
And dont forget tovote and comment!


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