Minkyu: Oh then shall we go to our study?

Jungkook: Okay!

They both went away as Ryujin too went to her collage. Yn came down and wished everybody a good morning. She was all ready, wearing a jean and a hoodie. The bruises were little visible as they were now fading away. She looked beautiful.

Mrs Kim: Taehyung, son take her for some shopping as she gonna live with us for a long time now.

Taehyung: Okay mom!..

Yn: But I'm fine with anything.. there's no need to spend on me.

Mr Kim: You're like my daughter yn! Go with him..

Yn can't deny as she finally agreed and then they both went for shopping.

In the mall~

Yn and taehyung were buying things for her. Taehyung was picking some good outfits for her as she wanted him to choose for her.

Taehyung: Yn try this... it'll be fine for you.

Yn looked at him and smiled. She came after changing the outfit and it looked beautiful on her. Taehyung was staring at her only. She unknowingly bite her lips making him gulp and he started coming towards her. He caged her in his hands as she looked down out of shyness.

Yn mind: Oh please don't do this...

Taehyung: You're looking so beautiful in this outfit.

Yn looked up as he backed away and smiled awkwardly. And then they both payed for the outfit and came out of the store. Taehyung's mind then clicked something and he took her to Samsung.

Yn: What are we supposed to do here?

Taehyung: You don't have phone so..

Yn: No need to..

Taehyung: Shh..I'm gonna buy it so no more words from now.

She went silent as he kept hus finger on her lips but pulled it back as soon as he realised. He then went to see some good mobiles as she followed him while blushing a bit.

Taehyung: Which series you want?

Yn: Idk anything.

Taehyung: Excuse me, show us the 'S'  series please.

Helper: Sure sir..

The helper showed them some awesome phone making yn smile as taehyung analysed those but he found nothing special in those. He finally choose Samsung Galaxy Z fold 5 for her and gave it to her.

Taehyung: This is your new phone.

Yn: But I don't know how to use it!

Taehyung just smiled at her and held her hands making her look at their hands.

Taehyung: I'll tell you how to use it.

Yn smiled and taehyung left her hands making her look down. Taehyung then again held her hands and dragged her out of the store and straight went to home.

Taehyung: Mom we're home!

Mrs Kim: Don't shout taehyung! I saw you both.

Ryujin: Yn..what things you bought? Show them to me please.

Ryujin said while running towards her. Yn chuckled at her silliness and nodded. They both went upstairs in yn's room while taehyung smiled looking at her who was getting a long with his sister.

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