That made Ciel stroke their heads.

"I've bought you sweets from the capital!  You can't just leave like that! You have to resign with me if you want to resign!"

Hans let go of his embrace and helped Ciel stand up, while his eyes were still streaming with tears.

"You guys really that close, huh."

Cale glanced sharply at Hans, and Hans took a step back from Ciel as if showing he was keeping his distance from Ciel.

But behind Cale, Hans rolled his eyes.

"Your room was swapped to the room next to mine."

Cale spoke in his usual tone and walked over to find Deruth in his office.

He had to take care of Harris village's matters for the wolf children who would soon enter their berserk form.

Ciel was accompanied by Hans and the children, to help him carry some things in his room.

On and Hong look relieved, seeing that Ciel's condition is fine.

Maybe the bullying Ciel received was just teasing and extra work without physically harming him.

Hans was also thinking the same thing.

Besides, Ciel was still smiling brightly as usual.

And when they arrived at Ciel's new room, there was chocolate pudding on the table that looked like someone had cleaned it.

"Who gave this to you?"

Hans muttered, not sure whether it was safe to eat or not.

But Ciel smiled and just ate the chocolate pudding.

It tastes really good.

'Why didn't he just give it to me directly?'

Ciel was confused because he saw Beacrox who was looking at him from afar when he came back with Cale.

However, Ciel didn't think much about it, and enjoyed the chocolate pudding, and immediately cleaned up his new room with Hans.




3 days passed, and they were now in the newly built villa in Harris village.

'Beacrox is avoiding me...'

Ciel was sure of that because Beacrox kept avoiding him when their eyes met.

'Did I do something wrong to him?'

Ciel thought about it, but he was sure he didn't do anything to make Beacrox angry.

Well, apart from him sleeping with Cale on the first day he arrived in that world.

After helping the workers build the village, and it was almost dark, he returned to the villa.

"Young master, I hate to say this, but, I, like you..."

Ciel's footsteps stopped when he heard Beacrox's voice, and peeked, seeing Beacrox with Cale.

'Is it time for Beacrox to confess?'

With this world's absurd logic, Cale would definitely do it with Beacrox.

Ciel didn't care about that at all, because he already knew it was a Harem world.

And the world's magic worked, making Cale touch Beacrox with an intimate touch.

And Cale kissed Beacrox.


When they kissed, Beacrox and Ciel's eyes met.

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