One•my life•

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Hello,My name is Mia I am 15 years old and I work in a cafe near a train tracks in my small village,I have worked in this cafe for 5 months now and I'm sort of getting use to it but not really.This cafe has been open for a while now.. well since my nan was born and it's not a bad place to be honest it's got a nice atmosphere and the coffee is great as well as the food,The only issue I'd complain about is the people i work with and that stupid fucking dishwasher that I have to refill 200 times a day.

As for my home life it's not very interesting, I have no siblings and I have 1 parent, my mum. I do love my mum a lot but sometimes she can be way too much and can stress me out a lot with her mood swings,But hey isn't every teenagers relationship with there parents rough? We live in a small flat about 20 minutes away from the cafe,It's cramped and cold but it's still our home I guess some people have it worse.The only downside about living in our flat is the crazy Russian guy underneath us,All he does is drink all day and night and scream down the phone to his girlfriend who's 19 and has a face full of Botox that always leave him in the flat above us when he's too drunk and is aggressive.don't blame her to be honest he can be crazy and vey obnoxious at times,Sometimes I even wonder why she would be with someone like that. Hopefully one day she gets out of that situation. As for my mum she left a toxic relationship like that when I was 2 with my dad,He was really abusive to her and the only pictures I have of his face are some poorly printed ones my mum took and in all of them he is passed out drunk on the couch with his trousers below his waist. Fucking waste of life..

Anyway moving back to my work life
The manager here is very odd,Her name is Becky and She can be very rude and passive aggressive sometimes towards the customers here but I've got use to it over the past couple of months,the customers here are also really old and don't really talk much.The only thing they usually make conversation about is my eye makeup (I wear a lot of eyeliner) they always ask me how I put it on and how long it takes me in which I reply "3 minutes or less" and then they go on to a different topic of "oh it makes ur eyes look so big" or "how did you get that white stuff in the inner part of ur eye. They can be cute sometimes but some days just really annoying, Like the walking group.. don't even get me started about them they order about 10 pots of tea between the 20 of them and only end up drinking 2 pots before they storm out the door and leave me to clean up there mess like I'm there care worker or something! It's a waste of teabags and I'm the one who has to pick the bags out of the tea pots with my nails and throw it in the bin, I guess the only plus about that is that I get to walk past..Ben

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