Cupbearer Arc III: Impetus

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She goes first to the cashier, paying some hospital bills. Right after, she takes the elevator to reach the 3rd floor. Reaching a huge room with several patients around, one of them has greeted her.

"Hello, Jungeun-chan," says an old man, with the name Kurauchi Hideki. He has a kind face, who also wears small rounded eyeglasses. Jungeun has known him for months, ever since he is admitted here.

Jungeun smiles at him, "Good morning, Ojii-chan." She walks near him and lets his hand pats her head.

"Taking a visit to your sister again?" Hideki asks, even knowing the answer.

Jungeun nods, "Yeah." She takes out something from the paper bag she is carrying, and puts oranges at Hideki's table. "For you, Ojii-chan."

"My, thank you," Hideki cannot help but smile.

"I gotta check my sister now. Later Ojii-chan," Jungeun says. Hideki gives her a nod as Jungeun walks to the end of the large room. She moves the dividing curtain, and finds someone sleeping at the bed, her younger sister, with an oxygen mask on the lower part of her face. Jungeun notices that her sister's hair is growing longer, taking a note that she needs to trim it again.

Jungeun pulls a chair and seats in, and places the paper bag on the side table. She stares at her sister's face first and lets out a sigh.

"Hello, Minjeong-ah. Unnie is here..."


Kim Minjeong has turned 17 this year, and supposedly going to be a senior high school student, if the accident has not happened two years ago. It is a hit and run incident, and the culprit is not still getting caught.

Jungeun wants the justice be done, but her priority is to see her sister waking up again.

It is past lunch when Jungeun has left the hospital, and her next destination is returning to Minami Ward. She needs to report for her new part-time, and that will add enough to sustain in paying the hospital bills. She is waiting a bus in the terminal, and so she tries to busy herself in looking around the surroundings.

Her phone suddenly vibrates from her pocket. Jungeun immediately takes it out and sees Elly has a message.

Checking it.

From: Elly-senpai
Yo! We got a response from the post! And someone DM'ed me a picture of Choi Eunjun.

Jungeun raises her brow.

To: Elly-senpai
Oh that's great

Another message has arrived.

From: Elly-senpai
[sent a photo]
It's his latest photo I guess
Last seen in Nishi Ward
I smell that there's something fishy in Nishi Ward right now, don't you think?

Jungeun frowns. She clicks the photo and zooms it in, and sees that the guy in the photo has now his hair being dyed in pink. There is nothing remarkable more, however...

She types a message.

To: Elly-senpai
I guess that's a progress, but I think you have to stop right there already

A quick reply.

From: Elly-senpai

The bus arrives. Jungeun enters and secures a seat first, before sending another reply.

To: Elly-senpai
It's already the right time to stop before you get in trouble


Jungeun arrives in the café. She peeks through the glass walls first, looking if there are people inside, when someone speaks behind her.

Ai ajuns la finalul capitolelor publicate.

⏰ Ultima actualizare: Nov 25, 2023 ⏰

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