1 ⋆ background

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Edo Japan, 1657

Sometimes I want to die.

Laying on the only mat of my bare room, I knew this wasn't fair from the beginning.

I never knew life outside of this country. Knew nothing of my own. I never really knew life outside of this damn house.

Let's put it simply. Humans think their complex, and I suppose in many aspects they are.. but at the core of it, they're all painfully simple. There are two types of people, the good ones, and the destructive ones who think on selfish lust of any kind. Sexual lust, blood lust, lust for money- for power, for praise, for a simple sense of belonging. All of it. And I know, first hand, just how much it hurts to fall into the palms of individuals high on their lust, whatever kind it may be.


Well to explain while sugarcoating the idea, these simple humans follow patterns. If you find yourself different from the group of people that surround you, be I the color or pattern of your skin, the shade of your hair, the features you wear, there's two outcomes. The perfered one would be how they my worship you. Maybe they see you as a gift from the gods, maybe they praise the exotic beauties of your body, yes? Yes. But what about the second option? Yes, the second option. You can be claimed to be a demon, monster, or simply a freak for your flaw of an existence. You may be categorized with the dirt under one's feet. Because why? Humans are simple.

Greed and cruelty.
The two partners set to tango for life.

These partners inhabit all of them. All of the ones that have me. I was brought here from a young age. I never asked. Never questioned. Not aloud anyway. I was already dead the second I left the womb.

I was brought over as if I was a tradable good. I was bought for the price of hardly anything, and now I'm here. Why? Beats me. Nobody in this building treats me with a shred of care. I'm going to take a guess and say their treatment to me must be for some sort of entertainment. To these men, I was a pet. A companion. Called apon and expected to obey. They could hurt me; take their anger out on me. They did. They could rant and talk shit to me as I was forced to keep my lips shut. They did. They can humiliate me for fun. They did. They can make me work all they want. No compensation. They did.

Until one day, they didn't. They never wanted me to begin with, but even when they got rid of me.. it hurt. Like hell. How can you be so unwanted that your captors don't even care to keep you?

So here you were now, in front of this new woman handing money to the man who brought you here. Is this where your journey begins or ends? It's.. hard to tell right now, and easy to sway.

We just need to follow the ride. It may be the only way to save your Soul.


Hi, sorry, ok this is pretty bad I'm half asleep and just needed to get this out so I can start the actual story with effort. Bye love you guys. 💋

Spam my comments whenever you can and vote if you enjoy! :)

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