First message to Afah...

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"If you, too, are one of those who repent in love, don't bother trying; you can never succeed. You will definitely feel your emotions stir and your thirst for love. Just like me!" Reading the message on her phone, Afah thought, "What is this now? Where did this message come from? I never repented in this way, and I've never had any emotional relationships before."

Later, Afah went to her last class of the day, mathematics. Selma, whom she had met on the first day of school, was her closest friend, almost like a sister. They would spend weekends at Selma's family home in Merzifon, enjoying delicious meals cooked by Selma's mother, Şeker Kadın. They would relax and return to their universities in Amasya on Mondays.

It was the same routine again. The weekend had arrived, and they were already in Merzifon. Selma's father, Uncle Bayram, warmly welcomed the girls, and after dinner, they started their tea chat. However, Afah was a bit distracted this time. She was still under the influence of the morning message. "I wonder who sent that? Could it have been meant for someone else and mistakenly sent to me?"

"Yes, that must be it," she said, trying to forget.

"Perhaps you're wondering who I am, right now. But please, if you don't mind, I'll tell you later, if you allow. I don't know if you've read my messages, but I hope so :)" This second message, which brought back the topic she was trying to forget, made Afah even more curious. Then, another message appeared on her phone. "I must confess to you with all my heart that your innocence, the brightness of your teeth, and the smile in your eyes have captivated me. I wish I hadn't seen you laughing :("

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