Chapter 17 - Acme Factory

Start from the beginning

"What are you talking about? There's no road past Toon Town." (Y/N) stated. She may not have lived there or even visited in many, many years but she, like everyone else, at least knew that.

"Not yet! Several months ago, I had the good providence to stumble upon this plan of the city council's. A construction plan of epic proportions. They're calling it a freeway."

"Freeway? What the hell's a freeway?" Eddie questioned.

"Eight lanes of shimmering cement running from here to Pasadena. Smooth, safe, fast. Traffic jams will be a thing of the past." Doom informed him as he got closer to the small group.

"So that's why you killed Acme and Maroon? For this Freeway?"

"That's the stupidest thing I ever heard! And you killed people over such nonsense!" (Y/N) shouted out in anger.

"That's because you all lack vision. But I see a place where people get on and off the freeway. On and off. Off and on. All day, all night." Doom explained to them in a superior tone, raising his arms at how spectacular his idea sounded. "Soon where Toon Town once stood will be a string of gas stations, inexpensive motels, restaurants that serve rapidly prepared food, tyre salons, automobile dealerships, and wonderful, wonderful billboards reaching as far as the eye can see! My God... It'll be beautiful."

"Come on." Eddie interjected, making Doom lose his enthusiasm. "Nobody's gonna drive this lousy freeway when they can take the Red Car for a nickel."

"Oh, they'll drive. They'll have to. You see, I bought the Red Car so I could dismantle it."

In the middle of Doom's insane speech, a rumbling could be heard from underneath them.

"What the- "

They all looked around in confusion when suddenly Roger burst out through a small manhole in the floor. It sent Greasy, who had been standing on top of it at the time, flying up into the air while Roger hopped to his feet, pointing a gun around like a mad man.

"Okay, nobody move! Alright, weasels, grab some sky or I let the judge have it. You heard me, I said drop it." Roger ordered and they all complied.


"Yes, it's me my dearest brother. I'd love to embrace you but first I have to satisfy my sense of moral outrage."

"Put that gun down, you bucktoothed fool!" Doom growled out.

"That's it, Doom. Give me another excuse to pump ya full of lead. Thought you could get away with it, didn't you? Ha! We Toons may act idiotic but we're not stupid. We demand justice. Why, the real meaning of the word probably hits you like a ton of bricks!"

It seemed fate had not been on Roger's side as Greasy cut a rope from above which, coincidently, dropped a ton of bricks on top of the unsuspecting rabbit. The weasels all laughed at what had transpired while Jesse ran over worriedly to his brother.

"Roger! Roger, say something."

Roger slowly got up, with his brother's help, but didn't seem too upset as he noticed what was floating around his head. "Look! Stars! Ready when you are, Raoul."

"Tie the Toons together." Doom ordered as he grabbed a giant remote to lower down a hook from the ceiling.

The weasels shoved Jesse and Roger over to the middle of the room, right in the range of fire of the Dip machine. Eddie tried to intervene as they grabbed (Y/N) but Smart Ass continued to hold him at gun point and there wasn't much else he could do aside from watching on in anger.

"Put them up on that hook. Use that escape proof Toon rope." Doom instructed.

They tied all of them together, back-to-back, and the hook began to raise them up.

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