Chapter 2

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Jaune: So, what am I suppose to do here exactly?

It has a been around three days, since Jaune has arrived in this world. Those three days were spent settling in, learning more about the history of this, and learning more about Knights and Magic from other sources. Jaune has a few ideas on what he wants to do with his Semblance or again, Quirk. Right now, he is in Gym Gamma.

He stands in the middle of the Gym, and to his right are Aizawa, alongside the UA Staff

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He stands in the middle of the Gym, and to his right are Aizawa, alongside the UA Staff. They are there to do the first test of his Quirk.

Aizawa: Alright, Jaune. You know the drill, we will test our your powers for the first time and see what they are capable of. Some of the Teachers will arrive later to test out other features of your Quirk. But first, let us see what your Quirk can do on the offensive.

He looks towards Cementoss and nods, Cementoss places his hands on the floor of the Gym, and uses his Quirk. He creates multiple pillars and pathways made out of concrete. Jaune looks around and observes the terrain, which the UA Staff notes.

Vlad King: He's observant, I can give him that.

Ectoplasm: Indeed, from what I can see here. He is observing his surroundings to get a feel for the location. I believe he is making plans to attack, defend, and counter his opponents.

Ectoplasm: Let's see what he's made off.

Cementoss: Jaune! Get your Quirk ready, the test will begin in a minute.

Jaune: Understood, Cementoss-Sensei!

From there, Jaune gets engulfed with a bright light as he uses his Quirk to summon his Armor. He tested out his Quirk in Aizawa's Apartment. Jaune was browsing through the Internet and saw multiple images of Knight Armor, he wanted to see if he can summon that Armor. It turns out, it worked. The armor he is using right now came from a picture he saw online.

Jaune made a huge folder of Knight Armors and other Fantasy Designs

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Jaune made a huge folder of Knight Armors and other Fantasy Designs. He is also going to test out some other features to see if it will work.

Aizawa: Power Loader, start the test.

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