All That Glitters

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Ben sits on the ground outside a store with the device listening to his grandpa Max talk. Kevin watches nearby drink a soda by his car watching him. The girls no were to be seen. 

It didn't take long for them both to show up with Gwen approaching the older boy with her arms crossed. Close to her was Eva holding two smoothie drinks clearly different from what Kevin was drinking he calls out to the two asked, "Should we be worried about him? He's been watching that thing for hours."

Gwen doesn't moves or say anything making him look at her confused. The greenett girl sighs seeing him looking at her confused and moves towards Ben sits unmoved. Kevin looks at Eva confused before asking Gwen, "Problem?"

 "Why haven't you asked me out yet?" The female Tennyson asked shocking dark haired boy making shock on his drink screamed in response, "What!" 

She just laughed telling him back, "You hear me. All of our time together and you obviously love me."

He laughs looking away from her but that didn't seem to be the repose she was expecting. Eva just ignored the two and gently touched the side of Ben's face with the drink making him jump only to notice her and the smoothie and seemed to calm down. She then held it out with a smile telling him, "Mr. Smoothie's smoothie just the way you like it."

This makes the Tennyson boy stare at him and jump up putting the device away grabbing the drink form her a smile clear to be seen on his face. She looked at him fondly only for the two's attention taken from each other to Gwen and Kevin as his voice gets to loud. 

"You see that's the problem! Your asking me. A guy does the asking." He tells her.

The red head clearly not buying it asking him with a laugh, "Ya? When!"

"Don't push me." He tells her seeming to notice that Ben and Eva were now watching them sipping on their smoothies.

Gwen clearly not happy mocked him and walked away, "Don't push me."

The greenett girl looks at before looking back at the clearly mad Tennyson girl. She then told Ben putting her hand on his making the boy blush on the contact, not seeing to notice turned to Kevin with a snap, "Better make sure she's, ok. Way to go Kev!"

Eva then took off telling after her friend. Kevin yelled after her only to sigh as it was ignored, "What!"

He turned to the teen boy asking me, "So what's with you and E? Are you dating or?"

"What! No! Wait, did she say something?" Ben turned quick as he face seemed to go redder making the older boy smile at that.

He laughed and said with a snap, "Your pathic Tennyson! Why don't you ask her out? Instead of pining after her like lost puppy."

"Easy does it. I'm not the one your mad at. I already have if you must know. I just haven't set a date yet." Ben tells him taking another sip of his smoothie walking closer to him.

"You have?! Cut me a break here! Want to go fight some aliens or something." Kevin asks him with his voice cracking and clearly trying to change the subject.

The Tennyson boy just shakes his head answering, "Or something. Let me see you Plummer badge for a second."

Kevin look it out giving it to him in his free hand turning it on looking at it saying, "Each of these blips show a location of another badge cause this is Eva."

Ben says looking at the Badge closes to their location. The dark haired boy just got closer answering, "From what E said, ya."

"Well where theirs a Plummer's badge we'll find a Plummer. Or at least a Plummer's kid. Come on, your driving." Ben said using a finger from his smoothie hand to point at a dot not to far away turning it off turning to Kevin's car.

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