IX. | Triggerfinger

Start from the beginning

"When he is, we give him a canteen, take him out to the main road, send him on his way" Rick said

"Isn't that the same as leaving him for the walkers?" Andrea asked

"He'll have a fighting chance" Rick responded

"And what if he's a danger?" Jesse asked

"He won't be. He was blindfolded the whole way here" Rick said

"That's reassuring" Camila muttered

"Look, his group left him for dead. No one will come for him" Rick said

"We should still post a guard" T-Dog said

"He's out cold right now, will be for hours" Hershel said

"I can kill him right now" Camila said. Hershel looked at her

"You know, we haven't even dealt with what you did at my barn yet" Hershel told her

"Look, Grandpa. I did y'all a favor. No need to be salty" She said. Hershel looked like he was gonna burst a blood vessel

"The only reason you're still here is because of Rick. Do us both a favor and keep your mouth shut" Hershel told her annoyed

"That will happen when hell freezes over" Camila said with an innocent smile

"We're not gonna do anything about it today. Let's just cool off" Rick said. The group meeting was adjourned

Maggie and Beth were currently fighting upstairs. Lori, Andrea and Camila were in the kitchen

"Where's Hershel?" Andrea asked, tired of the sisters fighting

"He doesn't want to find out yet" Lori said. "It's a family affair. We'll let them work it out"

"That's working it out?" Andrea asked as the sisters were screaming at each other

"Yup" Camila said

"When Beth stops fighting, that's when it's time to worry" Lori said as the sisters continued to fight

"This could've been handled better" Andrea said

"How so?" Lori asked as she sighed

"You shouldn't have taken the knife away" Andrea said. Apparently earlier when Lori delivered Beth food. Beth took a knife and tried to hide it. Lori had realized, and took it from Beth. Camila had to process what Andrea just said

"Excuse me?" Lori asked

"You were wrong, like Dale taking my gun. That wasn't your decision" Andrea said

"I'm gonna stop you there because if I don't. I might beat your ass. You have to be one stupid fuck to actually think that. First off, you've been acting like a fucking bitch baby over that fucking gun. You're a God damn adult, grow the fuck up. Second off just because you wanted to fucking kill yourself back at the CDC doesn't justify your thinking either. Enabling that kind of behavior is fucking wild" Camila said. Andrea glared at Camila

"She has to choose to live on her own. She has to find her own reasons" Andrea said upset

"Girl, shut the fuck up. Dale should've let your ass stay there, I swear to God" Camila said

"I wish he would've" Andrea said. Camila scoffed

"So, this isn't really about Beth. It's about you. Because your choice was taken away, when it wasn't. You can blame Dale all you want, but it was you. You chose, and you're mad about it" Camila said

"It's not about me. That has nothing to do with this" Andrea said

"Doesn't it? That's why you're acting like this. You think you're some fucking expert. No, I got you. I'm gonna go hand Beth a loaded gun and say 'here kiddo, good luck'" Camila said

"If she wants to live, she'll choose" Andrea defended. Camila sighed before she threw a punch at Andrea. Her fist collided with Andrea's nose. Andrea couldn't believe what had just happened. Lori was watching shocked. The two women began to fight as Andrea pulled Camila's said

"Hair pulling? What are you, fucking five?" Camila asked before she kneed Andrea in the gut. Andrea let go of Camila's hair giving Camila the opportunity to grab Andrea by her hair and slam her head into the cupboard. Camila just kept slamming Andrea's head into the cupboard until she saw blood. Then, she stopped and let Andrea fall to the ground

"Stupid bitch" Camila spat out before she literally spit on Andrea

"Jesus Christ.." Lori muttered as Camila walked out

Camila had heard what happened to Beth. Andrea was left in charge of Beth and left her alone. It gave Beth the opportunity to slit her wrists. Maggie was beyond pissed and so was Lori. Apparently Camila didn't beat Andrea's ass enough. The moment Andrea heard she ran over to the house

"Where were you?" Maggie asked

"I heard. Is she all right?" Andrea asked

"Say the word, Maggie" Camila said with a smile

"She would be if you had stayed with her. Where were you?" Maggie asked

"How bad is she?" Andrea asked

"It wasn't deep" Lori said. Andrea sighed in relief

"She wants to live. She made her decision" Andrea said with a smile. Camila stared at Andrea. She just couldn't understand what was wrong with her. Camila walked over to Andrea and grabbed her by the hair as she dragged her ass away

"You stupid fuck.. what did I fucking tell you?" Camila asked as she kept dragging Andrea by her hair. Andrea let out whines from the pain she was feeling. Camila threw Andrea to the ground. "You truly prove the stereotype that all blonde's are fucking stupid"

Camila pulled out a knife, causing Andrea's eyes to widen

"You're not gonna kill me" Andrea said

"Don't be too sure. I killed Shane" She said with a smile. Of course Camila was being restrained before she could do anything

"Woah, woah, woah. Cami put the knife down" Jesse said. Cami sighed before she dropped the knife

"I could've gotten rid of her. Would've done everyone a favor. Nobody likes her annoying ass anyway" She reasoned as Andrea got up and ran off

"You can't just kill people because you feel like it" Jesse said

"Bitch, watch me" She responded

"I will take away your Pokémon cards" Jesse threatened. Camila's face paled

"No, not my Pokémon cards. Please, I'll be good" Camila begged. Jesse smirked in satisfaction

"That's what I thought" He said

A/N: Andrea slander is justified no matter what

(2048 words)

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