🕰️ •Chapter 5 • 🕰️

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🕰️ • Jennie POV • 🕰️

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

🕰️ • Jennie POV • 🕰️

I woke to sun light on my face with a huge headache. I sat up to stretch my arms and legs that it was so good I fell right back asleep.
"Jendeukie!" I suddenly heard Jisoo yelling my name that I couldn't enjoy this peaceful sleep.

I looked to my side not seeing the dream or hallucinating Lisa that was with me anymore.
I don't know why but it felt more real than last time... I got up still with the same outfit and went to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth and messy hair. I looked at my lips noticing that they were swollen again.

I pursed my lips wondering if that could help but it didn't. Why are they swollen?
Was I making out with pillow so hard because I thought it was Lisa? I sighed feeling like I was a crazy person. I went to the living room because I know my bags there that had my clothes.
Everyone was in the kitchen making breakfast and Lisa was trying to turn the tv on but struggled to get it to work.

"Here you just have to hold the button"
I said grabbing the remote and turned the
Samsung 146 inch 4k tv that was on the wall.
Lisa looked at me nervously that I noticed.

"Not gonna thank me?" Lisa hesitated to say and looks at Somi as if she would only do it only if Somi was okay with it. Somi smiled and looked at Lisa confused. Lisa turns and thanks me before he walked away to be with Somi.

I sighed again and took my bags so I could shower and change. I was taking a shower when I heard some noises from outside the bathroom.
"Hello?" I said waiting for a response.

I felt like someone was in the bedroom while I was in the bathroom showering. I turned off the water so I could hear if what I heard was right.
After a few minutes nothing could be heard so I continued with my shower.
I'm probably imagining things...

I was done with my shower and changed to a comfortable black dress. I returned to where everyone was and was a bit hung over with the drinks I took last night.

Upon Time |JenLisa G!P|Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora