⭐ Where It All Re-began ⭐

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Then, thunderstorm closes his eyes and turns back just like how the original one looks. Boboiboy looks up at them and again couldn't balance himself from that fight and... the situation of being taken up from that dark energy. Then, fell unconscious and Fang caught him up.
It was now 4 pm in the evening and everything felt like it happened in seconds. All were silent, Boboiboy unconscious in Fang's arms, Yaya and Ying look at each other, Gopal trembling with fear behind Ochobot and Tok Aba while they just stare in shock and the broken parts of shadow bot lie up ahead of the bark of the tree.
Yaya: What in the world is happening to him again?

Everyone came up to their senses and started to leave the place and tried to forget what had happened in this place. But it was impossible to forget it.
Meanwhile, after 2 hours, Fang was sitting in a branch of the tree staring at the sky. He was drowned in a lot of thoughts.
What was happening to his best friend? Is he going to suffer more than before? But first of all, it was Fang's mistake from the beginning. If he wouldn't stop Boboiboy, he wouldn't get attacked by the robot in the first place and wouldn't be tracked later. Then he took something off his coat. It was the prism.
While everyone were busy going home and helping him carry boboiboy, he grabbed onto the broken and the empty prism.
And why did thunderstorm yell at him for no reason? It doesn't mean that he did but why does he suddenly care about what Fang did to Boboiboy? It was all confusing that even though clearly boboiboy was using thunderstorm's power, how did his soul take control of his body?
While Fang was continuing on his thoughts, Ying came that way and noticed Fang.

Ying: Again, drowned in thoughts?
Fang: Oh, it's you.
Ying: What are you upset about? I mean you are upset all the time but now, right here, it's definitely not you.
Fang: No... It's just what happened this evening. How is Boboiboy doing?
Ying: Still unconscious and I feel he is quite peaceful after that happened.
Fang: It must be not 'peaceful' Ying. It is quite opposite of that; he must be tired of handling things like that.
Ying: You really can't know the pain he is going through so how are you so sure of that?
Fang: How are YOU so sure that he is peaceful now?? Ying, I can't-
Ying: Are you crying? Fang, it's not the usual you. I bet something happened, would you share it with me?
Fang: Huh? Me-crying!? No way!
Ying: You don't need to cover it now. I saw you cry.
Fang: ......
Ying: I know something happened yesterday. I remember seeing you go with Boboiboy to his home.
Fang: Fine.

Fang tells about the incident that happened yesterday, of he saying something about his parents or about Boboiboy. And Boboiboy getting angry and showed the sign of red eyes.

Ying: He didn't need to get that mad at what you said.
Fang: 'Get that mad?' Why does he have to get mad at what I said?
Ying: You didn't need to say that he doesn't need to ask you. He was trying his best to cheer you up. But on that account, you screamed at him.
Fang: So, I guess it was a mistake of mine again. I think I seriously don't know how to talk!
Ying: At least you realized it now. Forget it. What I am thinking is that this isn't thunderstorm. I say that his personality is always to stay alone for himself and being angry all the time. Also, he doesn't care about anything until he is called out.
Fang: So, are you thinking it was not thunderstorm as well?
Ying: Yes, it must be some other thing in him. Does any other elements personalities have scarlet eyes?
Fang: No, besides him no one else.
Ying: Hmm... (Looks at Fang) You know something. A small detail would be fine.
Fang: You got me again.

Fang takes out the prism and explains how it was in the beginning and the times when Boboiboy was first stabbed with it and the second time in front of them. And also, that dark energy disappearing from the prism into him.
Ying: It is a good thing that you have this prism with you. When we go back to TAPOPS station. We'll ask about that weird robot. Fang just like you always say, we will always work together! And I will lend a hand to save Boboiboy.
Fang: Whenever it is, we still have 5 days left to go back. I hope that his situation won't get worser.

The Repetition Of Reverse Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora