- "You look very pale," - Said the shortest of the group.

- "Peter's right," - Agreed Potter.

- "Maybe you should go to the infirmary," - Said Black.

- "When I'm done with lunch, I'll be there, all right?" - Lupin tried to calm his friends' worries.

- "Do you want us to come with you?" - Asked the one with hair like a bird's nest.

- "No, I'm going alone," - Answered Lupin with a certain nervousness that the others didn't notice.

- "Are you sure?"

- "Yes, I'm sure."

When everyone had finished eating, the students began to head for their common rooms.


Lily narrates

When the girls were asleep I got up and went to the door, I went out and closed it carefully so as not to make any noise, and when I closed it completely I went to the stairs, when I got to the top of the stairs I went to the exit, but before I got there a light turned on.

I turned quickly to find Severus Snape sitting on a sofa with his legs crossed, his hair a little messy, with his wand in his hand staring at me.

- "Severus."

- "Lily, where do you think you're going?"

- "I'm going to the kitchen," - Sev just stared at me, which made me nervous.

Suddenly there was a wolf howl.


- "Lily, please tell me it has nothing to do with the howl that was heard."

- "No, no, no, no, no." - He just frowned - "Well yeah."

- "Lily! Do you know how dangerous it can be," - He stood up and came closer.

- "I do."

- "Well, it doesn't look like it."

- "Sev, I'm an animagus, he won't do anything to me," - I moved closer to him.

- "How can you be so sure?"

- "Severus, I've been reading about werewolves, to know what I can and can't do, I need you to trust me," - He didn't answer anything, he just stared at me.

I looked at him and realized that we were very close so I scanned him with my eyes, white skin with the light looked smooth, his eyes with the light of the wand had a certain shine, and some strands of his black hair fell on his face and his cheeks were red.

My only thought at that moment was...


Severus Narrates.

Seeing her so close, I couldn't help blushing and even more when I noticed that she was scanning me with her eyes, so I did the same.

Her red hair was tied in a braid and a few strands fell on her white face, her green eyes sparkled, her eyelashes were long, her nose small, and her red lips and pink cheeks gave her a tender touch. My thought at that moment was... 'How cute'.


Lily Narrates

'He's a boy, Lily, but he's so adorable.'

I took a step back to give myself some space.

- "How about you come with me," - He blinked a couple of times.

- "Yes, so I can keep watch from a safe distance."

I smiled at him, grabbed his hand, and we walked out of the common room.

- "Well, let's go inside," - I said, looking at the forest in front of us.

As we entered the forbidden forest, Sev and I transformed into our animagus form, I got on the back of the panther and he started walking.

After walking for a while we found him in a clearing wounded.

'Poor Remus.'

I flew towards him and stood on his head, he raised his hand intending to grab me, but before he could touch me I flew back to Sev.

Remus in his wolf form started to run towards us, Severus seeing that started to run, trying to keep his distance.

'Severus stop!'

When I opened my wings I flew backward and fell to the ground, the wolf saw that and started to run towards me, I opened my wings and started to fly around him, I looked for Severus and I found him lying next to a tree with his eyes on us. So I quickly started to fly towards him, he noticed my intentions and got up and started to run away from me.

Severus thought. - 'Lily, get away from me!'

Back to Lily. - 'Run, Severus, run!'

That's how we lasted for an hour until Sev gave up.

Then Severus and the wolf started following me until the wolf grabbed me and ran off, Severus being the one to follow.


Before Remus stopped being a wolf, Severus and I went to our common room.

- "What do you think," - I asked the black-haired man.

- "Maybe it wasn't that dangerous."

- "It was fun." - We made our way to the armchairs and sat down. - "Sev, no one has to know about the werewolf."

- "I understand if it gets out that there is a werewolf at Hogwarts, purebloods won't like it, as well as some students."

- "That would be bad for that student,"

Severus looked at me. - "Do you know who he is?" - He asked.

- "Does it matter?" - I returned his question with another question.

- "The werewolf is a danger."

- "I don't think the Headmaster would let a werewolf in, knowing he's dangerous."

- "How do we know that the headmaster thinks correctly?"

- "How about every full moon we go to the wolf, and you know he wouldn't hurt us," - I said, ignoring what Snape had said.

- "Why do you want to do that?"

- "Imagine how lonely it must feel not being able to tell anyone for fear of being rejected and having to suffer every full moon,"

Severus stared at me for a while before sighing. - "Well, no one has to know and if you go, I'll go, understand?"

- "Yes, of course!" - I jumped up and hugged him.

- "I'm going to go to bed."

- "Me too."

When I lay down in my bed I fell asleep, and a while later Adelaide woke me up, and then I had dark circles under my eyes all day and I fell asleep in class.

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